Thank You to My Audience

Thank you venn diagram

If You Should Go Skating…

This blog isn’t for everyone. 

It’s for Unwoke Minnesotans who know there’s something in the water in Lake Wobegon

It’s for followers of the Intellectual Dark Web who’ve dared to look at the monster under the ice everyone has been skating on. 

Perhaps most importantly it’s for Lawyers watching the Woke Ship get its first tear on the tip of a Constitutional Iceberg.

Especially those trying to get the word out to others, like MN Attorney, Nick Rekieta

It’s also for researchers interested in a peculiar brand of moral panic that sweeps the Anglosphere behind a veil of harmful, infantilizing taboos and attitudes regarding women.

For those and others reading this blog:


After witnessing the 4th Precinct Takeover in 2015 and watching Theo Olsen cause an Evergreen style explosion in St. Paul Public schools in early 2016, I knew Minneapolis was going to blow up and when it did it would be worldwide.

I’d already predicted MPD would kill a white woman, because of how the media was covering the protests.  They pretended they were peaceful and mostly Black. In fact, they were almost entirely hysterical white women throwing rocks and bottles at police.

The media narrative was that the police only killed Black people.

In 2017, I decided I needed to make my predictions public and did it to the only outlet that would allow me to publish uncensored content about taboos, A Voice for Men.    

Most of my content is about Minnesota, Taboos, Typecast, and how the woke_mind_virus is eliminating due process.   

At any time during the culture war, I could have chosen to help throw rocks at one side or another and picked up more fans.  

My intention has always been to create a nomological network of evidence to support my Twin Theses, I’m incredibly grateful for my growing audience. 

As I enter the stage of my blog with Background, Thesis, and Deep Dive relatively complete, I wanted to take a minute to recognize some of the people who’ve reached out and reached back despite the fact that I publicly stomp on taboos. 

The following is a short, incomplete list of people

Mr. Benjamin Boyce, your work documenting the Evergreen Wokequake catalyzed me to warn the world of the Woketastrophe that was coming from Minneapolis.

Karen Straughan, you alerted me to the Red Pill Hysteria in Australia and also turned me onto the work of Dr. Laurie Rudman, who brought psychometric data showing “the magic trick” being played on women and men alike. Rudman’s data suggested men are a default outgroup and women are the default human ingroup.

My first 30 articles explored the implications.

Mr. Peter Wright, who writes at You published my first series complete, unedited, and uncensored,  so I could warn the world. You also write on topics people don’t want to hear about.

Mr. Stanley Cohen, an attorney who defends accused terrorists. You returned my phone calls when 50 other attorneys would not. You answered my questions about a show trial that led to the slow-motion disaster in Minnesota. To some, Mr. Cohen is the Devil incarnate, it was a Mitzvah what he did for me.

Mr. Ron Edwards (RIP), historian and Saul Alinksy trained Black activist who died of Covid 19 on MLK Day, #1202020. This was the day the World Health Organization acknowledged human-to-human transmission. Mr. Edwards had a deep insight into the racial history of Mpls. Mr. Edwards was an old-school son of a bitch and I’ve missed his insight and counsel terribly, nearly every day since his passing.

An anonymous psychology researcher at the University of Minnesota.  I hated your feedback and your observations stung like a tazer.  You were right and I’m glad I heeded your warning. I needed to separate my writings from the perception of activism if they were to be taken seriously.

Hopefully, this has become the case.

Dr. Tania Reynolds, UNM and Kinsey Institute. Your paper “Man Up and Take It, Gender Bias in Moral Typecasting” is the majority of the heavy lifting in the ASCHITI Model of Gender Perception.

Mallory Millett, you’ve seen it and I’ve seen it. You’ve been trying to warn the world, shouting from the rooftop for decades. A million people will see it in 2022 and millions more in 2023….2024 and beyond. It’s inevitable and I’m glad you’re getting to see it come to pass. 

Dr. Lee Jussim, Department Chair of the Social Perception Lab at Rutgers University and stereotype accuracy pioneer. Your encouragement, criticism and suggested reading list caused me to push forward when the sensible thing was to quit. The inveterate pirate of the emerging Data over Ideology Branch of Social Psychology, I salute you, Captain Swashbuckle.

Dr. Janice Fiamengo and Steve Brule. Dr. Fiamengo, your meeting with Dr. Reynolds on Groundhog’s Day 2020 demonstrated I wasn’t the only person seeing what I was seeing. Your recent series demonstrating First Wave Feminism exhibited the pathological tendencies of 2nd, 3rd and 4th waves brought the receipts I needed.       

Mr. Theo Olsen, an anonymous school principal, and several anonymous teachers brave enough to share their information and experience with Critical Theory in Minnesota Schools. 

This has been an enormous undertaking, I’d also like to thank my tireless editor who separates the run-on sentences within the run-on paragraphs and makes them read almost like native English.