LawTube (Audience)

Lady Justice holding the scales

Many thousands, if not millions of people realized during the Rittenhouse live stream that the media lies to them. They’d been told he was a white supremacist, who carried a gun “across state lines”.

In its death throes, from Youtube and independent competition, the Mainstream Media squeezes reality into a narrative soothing to the few who still believe it and usually distorts it beyond recognition to generate outrage and clicks.

The Media and moral entrepreneurs had convinced more than half the country Rittenhouse had killed innocent Black Protestors in cold blood.

Even if they weren’t entirely convinced of the details, they were certain he was racist and guilty.

Minnesota attorney Nick Rekieta decided he was going to stream the entire trial and invite other lawyers to do so. For five years I’ve been speculating Minnesota was the epicenter of the woke_mind_virus

He brought professional legal attention to what the Woke did not want to be revealed.

Mr. Rekeita has since streamed the Kim Potter Trial with the same team of attorneys all offering their independent legal takes. He also interviewed veteran Minnesota attorney Earl Gray who represented Potter.

If Minnesota is the center of North America AND the woke_mind_virus as I suspect it is, what Mr. Rekeita did was a revolutionary act. 

Much of this blog is centered around how media, institutions, and due process have been eroding with the rise of this mind virus. Look no further than the arrest of George Floyd or the trial of Derek Chauvin and his co-defendants for example.

There’s surely something to find in both incidents that make you uncomfortable unless you’re woke. 

If you’re woke, no degree of concern for the downstream effects of the Chauvin Trial can be signaled. No amount of concern for what happens to minority communities as a result of the erosion of due process can be discussed.

The Mindhive (™) doesn’t care for due process, rationality, individual rights, or the values of the enlightenment.  

They (™) apply Postmodernism and caterwauls for group rights and group responsibilities as the puritanical superweapons of their secular religion.  

While The Mindhive (™) are religiously devoted to their view of social justice, they’ve been taking over the institutions necessary to provide actual justice.  

This isn’t just colleges, the media, and education, this includes, Human Resources Departments, Courts, especially family courts, and law enforcement and training.

This is not a complete list of lawyers who appeared on the streams.

If I missed one, please LMK here.








@NiermanJoe (Good Lawgic) 



I’m compiling a list of other lawyers interested in actual justice, individual rights, the presumption of innocence, and due process.

They may even be interested in facts, reason, logic, or ethics, there are still a few left who are unwoke.



@RobertGruler (Watching the Watchers)

Wokeness, whether a religion, cult, or mind virus revels in unconstitutionality.  

A new era of civil rights law begins in 2022.  I plan to watch it and help disseminate information, opinion, precedent, best practices, and news to fight it.  

If you’re an unwoke attorney and would like to be added to the list or are just sick of this woke nonsense and want to watch it continue to crash into, sign up here.