Affirmative Action and the War Against All Men

Justine Damond and Daunte Wright photos over a Minneapolis Skyline

Minneapolis Police are looking for a qualified Somalian to represent that community. A young, physically fit, handsome man with multiple degrees answers the call. After a couple of years of stellar performance reports, and elite heavy armor, tactics and counter ambush training, he puts his arm over his partner’s chest, takes clear aim at a woman running toward their squad car and kills her with one, clean, shot.

A young girl from private Catholic Schools meets a bike safety cop who inspires her to begin a career in Law Enforcement. She studies Criminology at St. Marys and graduates with a degree in Sociology.  She receives annual gun training, taser training, and spent years studying Minnesota’s Marxist Feminist Domestic Violence Model (Duluth Model of Power and Control) – following up with women who’ve been abused by men.  She becomes union president and volunteers as a pallbearer at police funerals. A trainee traffic stop uncovers an outstanding warrant and an order for protection, and backup is called in.

Three men struggle during a court mandated arrest, as one resists. The female officer prepares to deploy 50K volts of State Power, yells “taser, taser, taser” and as the men step away, she kills the resistor with one, clean, shot.

Minnesota requires a college degree for all police officers. A Minneapolis mayor was the first to introduce Affirmative Action and Desegregation to the Democratic National Committee platform in 1948.  Minnesota government agencies do their very best to hire, train, and promote women and minorities to positions of power. Many Minnesota Police homicides have resulted in violent and destructive protests in cities elsewhere.

Every Minnesota Police Homicide that you can name, involved a Woman, or a Black, Indigenous, Person of Color.

Minnesota has been regularly challenged by Progressive, Marxist, and Intersectional Activists to live up to the equality standards of America’s founding. This is a premise I fully support, and on net, believe is a positive movement with good intentions.

At a recent meeting of Valerie Castile’s “Fucked Up Mother’s Club,” Minnesota State Representative John Thompson suggested we look at the root cause of problems.  Activists often tell us this requires to “do the work” and that this will make people uncomfortable.

As with most of my work, this next series will cover topics we don’t talk about and we never question as anything other than unmitigated good.  

Affirmative Action, Desegregation, Women’s Suffrage, Marxist Feminism, Domestic Violence Programs, and Teacher’s and Police unions have all made Minnesota the utopia that it is.

This series will touch on each of them, clumsily but honestly, from a perspective that is neither Politically Correct or Advertiser Friendly: “Affirmative Action and the War on All Men.”