Not All Women’s History Month (SUMMARY)
My Black History Month series demonstrated that even an amateur historian, with source materials, can easily find holes in the most commonly enforced victim narratives.
During Women’s History Month, Dr. Janice Fiamengo, a retired English Professor released a number of very well-researched videos that did the same.
Her series cites historic, first-wave feminist examples of what are often considered pathological, deceptive beliefs and attitudes often only attributed to the excesses of the 2nd and 3rd wave feminists and 4th wave neo feminists.
In the series, Dr. Fiamengo describes why after seeing Affirmative Action and Victim Mentality in practice, and victimhood as a means of manipulation, she became an ANTI-Feminist.
Dr. Fiamengo argues that Feminism’s Origin Story (Women’s Suffrage) is a false myth, Feminism was never about equality; Prohibition, which catalyzed in Minnesota, abused moral suasion to subvert constitutional policy and legal protections.
She exposes the early emergence of visions of Feminist utopias without men, female supremacy, and Puritanical disgust at the mere existence of male sexuality and the desire to destroy the family. She uncovers the logical incoherence common among today’s scholarship and even the Female social construct argument, ‘Women are just like men, except a little better.’
Her research debunks the common myth that husbands could rape their wives without legal consequences in 19th Century Common law among other rape and domination fantasies pathologizing men.
Additionally, she notes the similarities between the foundational documents of Marxism and Feminism (the and the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and the Communist Manifesto published in entirety for your own analysis) and asks “Were Marx and Engels Feminists?”
Perhaps most damning to the Feminist oppression narrative are the accounts of Socialist Barrister E. Belfort Bax, whose “Legal Subjection of Men” from 1896 is a scathing, practical, rebuttal to British MP John Stuart Mills’ philosophical, “Subjection of Women” from 1858.
While Mills waxes philosophical about Women’s oppression, Bax cites legal precedent, case law, and first-hand experience-representation of actual human males to argue the law, even then, significantly favored Women.
This included family and criminal courts with Women less likely to be charged, convicted, or serve sentences more than 1/20th of their male counterparts.
According to the University of Michigan in 2012, the current same crime sentencing disparity is now only 60% greater. Contrary to current hysteria, Women of ALL colors receive lower sentences than white men for the same crimes.
There is currently no data on disparities in charging decisions but there is considerable public chatter and outrage lately about men trying to get into Women’s prisons.
The Far More Horrible Infanticide
The final Dr. Fiamengo video I reference in the Not All Women’s History Month series, “Woman Kills Baby, Feminists Blame Men,” documents how early feminists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony fabricated claims to create a victim narrative for a woman who murdered a newborn infant.
The claims presented the Woman, Hester Vaughn, as a victim of sexual assault by an employer (not true), stated the woman had no other choice (patently, not true), and suggested that if she were convicted it would be the far more horrible infanticide.
Thousands of Women, including the Working Women’s Association, sent letters and signed petitions to have Vaughn pardoned. Eventually, she was pardoned, despite being convicted of first-degree, premeditated murder because all of the excuses offered by feminists were invalidated and/or disproved in court.
Even more curious.
While this is only a single instance of a woman being infantilized and stripped of her moral agency after literally bashing a newborn’s skull in, it perfectly illustrates how easily reality can be distorted to extort public opinion.
- These attitudes are not new.
- The distortion techniques are not new.
- The buy-in is nearly universal among high-status humans.
- These ideas and histories are fact-resistant.
- These techniques can be used to excite in-groups.
- These techniques make in-groups susceptible to the viral spread of false victim narratives.
- These ideas are pathological. (Babies < Women)
Dr. Fiamengo brings very clear evidence that these attitudes, techniques, and inciting group dynamics have been at play for over 150 years.
This is also consistent with many observations and citations made by Feminist Historian Peter Wright, who traces documentation of these types of toxic victimhood/neoteny exploitation over many hundreds of years.
Many trace these “Applied Postmodernist” extortion techniques, using victimhood as currency, creating false histories, and using histrionics, and Gold Medal Olympic-level mental gymnastics, to modern Marxist or 3rd Wave Feminism.
Both Fiamengo and Wright bring the receipts, stating these are centuries, if not millennia, old.
Fiamengo brings up the specter of the similarities between Feminism and Communism, suggesting early feminist writers, such as Stanton, borrowed from Marx and Engels. The Communist Manifesto and Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments were both published three months apart in 1848.
I’d suggest that Marx and Engels’ writings may have borrowed ideas, rooted perhaps in the human psyche, perhaps even in biology. But, I’m not a Marxist nor a biologist, so I really can’t say for sure.
Queen Bees
Infantilizing Female-patiency taboos are generally enforced by Women and men alike, but they are rigidly enforced by a very small minority of Women – The Queen Bees.
The precarious nature of manhood, (Vandello et. al) means male status is often contingent on the approval of a Woman or Women, this keeps men from pointing out female agency.
Women’s near-universal automatic in-group bias (Rudman) and general agreeableness keeps other Women from violating this taboo by pointing out the lies or falsehoods that obscure women’s culpability. Perhaps most disturbing are examples where Women harm children or even other Women with impunity.
Dr. Fiamengo has been very interested in this phenomenon.
A victim In-group may benefit from collective enforcement of this set of taboos. The moral suasion generated from the enforcement of victim sanctity taboos can be used to extract resources.
Group rights and privileges can be demanded past injustices as individual responsibility for harm disappears. Moral agency and responsibility are cognitively removed from the ‘victim class’.
This can often be harmful when a Victim In-Group member steps out of line or causes harm with impunity.
It can also become deeply coercive, pathological, and destructive by increasing the perception of the collective guilt and collective punishment of the Oppressor or Perpetrator Out-group.
This is often accomplished by exploiting or exacerbating ASCHITI Model of Gender Perception to distort reality (ASCH Conformity | Groupthink) with conformant terms such as Patriarchy, Male Privilege, or Toxic Masculinity.
There is a steady drumbeat of new grievances to excite the passions of the victim in-group against the alleged perpetrator out-group.
You will find a similar pattern across the most effective propaganda of the 20th century.
After 5 years of laying the groundwork about “Minnesota Nice,” I’m summarizing my twin theses of what I now refer to as the more accurate “woke_mind_virus.”
My blog provides evidence that what we’re seeing in the Anglosphere is a variant of a mind virus that began in Germany and killed millions in Russia and Asia throughout the 20th Century.
I provide further evidence of a stickier, more contagious English variant, developed in Minnesota’s German immigrant population and spread throughout the Anglosphere. The two largest historical spikes in Black Lives Matter, Philando Castile, and George Floyd, are used as human network diagrams.
My Black History Month series showed obvious holes in the sacred victim narratives of the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. Janice Fiamengo’s research shows similar holes in the sacred victim narratives of the feminist movement.
In both, I show how lies, deceit, revisionism, histrionic obfuscation, and victim sanctity taboos are used to enforce victim status to confer a moral position on the group to erase the pathological actions of group members. (ie. “mostly peaceful protests”, “ideology not a group”, “gun violence”, “looting = reparations”, “the Red SUV” etc.)
In both Black History Month and Not All Women’s History Month, I demonstrate Minnesota’s role in creating and disseminating the victim origin story.
Prohibition and Women’s Suffrage had roots in and both catalyzed out of Minnesota.
One Twin Cities bus route the 21A connects the birthplace of Anti Racist Action, Catharine A. MacKinnon, Ellen Pence, Macalester University where Alex Haley was paid to write Roots, the childhood home of Roy Wilkins, George Floyd, and Philando Castile’s places of business, Kate Millett’s childhood home, and the Cathedral of St. Paul, which catalyzed the Modern Pro-Life Movement and the social justice Liturgical Movement which became the Catholic Church’s new operating system (Vatican II) in 1965.
Zoom out just a little bit and you get the birthplace of convicted SLA car bomber Kathleen Ann Soliah (who hid in plain sight as Sara Jane Olson, for decades along the 21A route), Mary Bruner, aka Mother Manson, who helped Charlie recruit his family, and the birthplace of Critical Race Theory.
It’s 100% possible this is pure coincidence. This area was also the #1 source of Northern Leopard Frogs, used for high school dissection until the population collapsed after the US baby boom. It could just be something as simple as mosquitos, rather than unchecked Women or Marxism. It might also be the unelected Met Council.
Minnesotans will blame anything on Mosquitoes or the Met Council because both suck.
Minnesotans are far less likely to blame anything on Marxism or Feminism. If you ask them what either means, they won’t know or can’t explain it other than to say “it’s about equality.”
One thing they know for sure is that if you criticize it, you clearly don’t understand it.
This is curiously the same answer you’ll get when you ask about Islam, CRT, CGT, CQT, Fat Studies etc.
I identified Minnesota as the epicenter of this phenomenon and identified it as a virus and existential threat 3.4 years before Elon Musk put out the tweet: Traceroute woke_mind_virus.
Little did he know, it’s roughly within a mile of where his buddy Jawed Karim went to Central High School, right on the 21A, just between Minneapolis and St. Paul.
Janice Fiamengo – Women’s History Month Videos
- Why I am still an Anti Feminist (video, transcript, archive)
- Feminism was never about equality (video, transcript, archive)
- Feminism’s false origin story; The struggle for the vote (video, transcript, archive)
- The infantilization of men by the Prohibition Movement (video, transcript, archive)
- The victimhood craze in early feminism (video, transcript, archive)
- Early feminists hoped to destroy the family (video, transcript, archive)
- Early feminists pathologized male sexuality (video, transcript, archive)
- Even back then the future was female (video, transcript, archive)
- Were Marx and Engel’s feminists? (video, transcript, archive)
- Could Men Legally Rape Their Wives in the 19th Century (video, transcript, archive)
- John Stuart Mill, a Case Study in Male Feminism (video, transcript, archive)
- E. Belfort Bax – The Anti-Feminist Sage Whose Warnings Went Unheeded (video, transcript, archive)
- Woman Murders her Baby, Feminists Blame Men (video, transcript, archive)
- Victim Mentality (video, transcript, archive)