Janice Fiamengo: Early Feminists Hoped to Destroy the Family

Erasing dad from the family

When Black Lives Matter announced that they were against the oppressive nature of the nuclear family, and demanded it be abolished, some of their previous supporters raised an eyebrow.  

This didn’t surprise me at all because it was obvious from the beginning that BLM was a Women’s movement.

Most feminists are from middle or upper class families who’ve either been able to educate themselves due to a reasonable infrastructure or state subsidy. Many children of welfare moms attending public schools also become indoctrinated into this way of thinking. 

The moment many Women feel as if they are not dependent on the men in their lives to protect them or need them to provide for them, contempt replaces gratitude.  

When the rich and middle class sneeze, the poor catch pneumonia and often die.  

These attitudes are super cute and fun for college girls and a certain kind of Hell for men unfortunate enough to marry these Women who are disgusted by both men and family. These are deadly ideas for poor families and absolutely destructive to poor communities.

Look no further than the poor Black communities in the United States. When the white, female, middle class created safety nets for themselves with generous welfare programs and the Duluth Model, they immediately went to work targeting Black neighborhoods and families.

Since the 1960’s, “I don’t need no man” has been the mantra of many a Black and poor young woman, scarcely concerned for what her children actually need. 

The concerns of men, children, and what might be good for society seem to take a back seat where the collective desires for individual Women are concerned.

Dr. Janice Fiamengo has yet again compiled stunning research demonstrating these attitudes most believe are new, are attitudes that seem to be natural expressions of contempt not just for men, but for children and the requirements of a stable society.

In her video entitled, “Early Feminists Hoped to Destroy the Family,” Dr. Janice Fiamengo brings her academic research prowess to yet again demonstrate none of this is new and have been long time features.