An Open Letter to Dr Tania Reynolds

Ladies with blindfolds

Dr. Reynolds,

Each time we’ve been in contact, it’s been during a surreal, lucid period preceding chaos.

The Trial of Mohamed Noor

The first time we connected I was attending the Mohamed Noor trial. We discussed your appearance on the Heterodox Academy podcast and your discovery that men are perceived as stereotypical perpetrators of harm.

Men are seen as perpetrators. Women perceived as helpless patients.  The female patient typecast is a sacred value surrounded in taboos. This was consistent with the findings of Dr. Laurie Rudman and decades of my own field observations.

Noor was the first police officer ever charged with murder in Minnesota. When the Prosecution’s Defense expert, Chief Timothy Longo of Charlottesville, VA, was asked whether Justine’s running up to a squad car was reasonable behavior, he said it was.

Every middle-class person in the courtroom pretends to believe this. The predictable outrage that comes from defending Noor could be an article onto itself.

When Noor became the first Minnesota police officer ever convicted of murder, a network of activists siezed on this opportunity to make his conviction about race.

The correct way to view every situation in Minnesota is to ignore gender, sex, and class and only focus on race.  It was just a matter of time before Minnesota exploded in moral outrage when this taboo burst like a blister when the reality of Minnesota policing punched us all in the face.

Groundhog’s Day, Feb. 2nd 2020 

An 80-year-old friend, Mr. Ron Edwards, died of a mysterious chest flu on Martin Luther King Day, 2020. It was coincidentally the first day that both the World Health Organization and the Chinese Govt. acknowledged human-to-human transmission. 

I suspected it was Covid-19, which would have put us in a pandemic that everyone was pretending didn’t exist at the time.

Still questioning my perception and wanting to test your upcoming paper, I brought together a group of people from the Red Pill Movie: Karen Straughan, Paul Elam, Tom Golden, Janice Fiamengo, and Harry Crouch for an interview.

All seemed to concur with your findings. They were an easy audience.

I was still encouraged and looking forward to your paper being published in a major academic journal so it might start being used as foundational evidence in court cases and for sounding the alarm in my Minnesota Moral Panic observations.

The week before the George Floyd incident, your paper was finally accepted for publication. Too late to stop that instance of Minnesota centered panic, but perhaps just in time to raise awareness of what was causing the issue.

We are experiencing an increased blindness to the suffering of men.

Did our tolerance for the suffering of men reach a zenith with the death of a maskless George Floyd?  Or were we forced to face the realities of our moralization for ending Covid and the asymmetry in tolerance for human costs?

I will continue to watch your career with great interest.

[1] Men as Stereotypical Perpetrators of Harm

[2] Man up and take it: Gender bias in moral typecasting

[3] Moralization of Covid-19 health response: Asymmetry in tolerance for human costs