Open Letter to Dr. Janice Fiamengo

Photo of Dr Janice Fiamengo with the words "Dear Dr. Fiamengo," in white text to the left of her face

Dr. Janice Fiamengo, a retired professor of English at the University of Ottawa, spent years researching early Feminist literature. On Feb 2nd, 2020, I invited her among others to interview Dr. Tania Reynolds whose paper, then under review, makes up 3/5ths of ASCHITI Model of Gender Perception.  

The Zoom call was live-streamed over the Minneapolis Television Network. Within 2 months, the City of Minneapolis seized the cable network’s equipment and revoked their 40-year-old cable franchise.  

This was a week before Dr. Reynolds’ paper was accepted for publication by the Association of Management ( and two weeks to the day that George Floyd’s arrest shook the world.

This letter is my follow up to Dr. Fiamengo.

Dr. Fiamengo,

My Not All Women’s History Month series heavily featured Fiamengo Files 2.0 videos. I’d like to make sure I understand your claims to accurately represent them in my thesis.

Thank you for your meticulously researched videos which make the argument that attitudes commonly associated with 2nd and 3rd wave feminists are well over a century old. 

The fact-resistant, pathological attitudes you describe were supported by both men and Women wealthy enough to be shielded from the consequences of holding them.

Your series is so well-researched, written, documented, and delivered that my articles simply add context.

For example, to show their similarity, I published the entirety of the Communist Manifesto and Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments, which were published three months apart in 1848.

I’d like to cite your entire series as evidence of my hypothesis. These ideas, thought to be new, are likely manifestations of evolutionary biases and predilections that reveal themselves and spread under certain conditions. 

The right wing satirical site the Babylon Bee produced a “harmful stereotype video” showing a Radical Feminist transforming into a Trad wife when war with Russia raises the specter of a hypothetical draft

Feminist Changes Mind As WW3 Kicks Off

The idea of a draft ‘cured’ her of her feminism. This of course, is fictional humor, but it roughly illustrates the taboo, real-life conditions I’m describing. A universal draft may cure our democracies from war as well, but that is a topic for a different day.  (Note: Marc Angelucci’s Memorial and NCFM’s 45th Anniversary are being held in MN on July 8-10th, 2022.)

Your series also covers many of the historical lies, falsehoods, lingual tricks, misrepresentations, duplicitous arguments, and techniques common to the Feminists and Marxists who signal similar pathological, fact-resistant, luxury ideas. 

These ideas let one feel morally and intellectually superior while signaling your beliefs, as long as the believer is shielded from the consequences of those beliefs.

I won’t belabor this point, but many, like you, have questioned whether Feminists stole from Marx and Engels. 

If my thesis is correct, it’s more likely the other way around.

ASCHITI Model of Gender Perception

In February of 2020, I had the pleasure of introducing you to Dr. Tania Reynolds to discuss her then upcoming paper, “Man Up and Take It: Gender Bias in Moral Typecasting.” In the interview you asked Dr. Reynolds if the denial of female agency was greater than the sympathy for female victims

A killer question for future researchers. I know where I would place my money.

Later that year, I had the further privilege of introducing you to Mallory Millett and helping facilitate a conversation about the mental illness and impact of her sister, Minnesota Marxist Feminist Kate Millett.

When I met Mallory in 2019, she described Women banging on the Senate doors following Christine Blasey Ford’s neotenous and tearful testimony. Mallory felt they were ‘channeling’ her sister Kate. 

From a secular perspective, this looked like behavior I’d expect from my mother and aunts, all of whom had attended St. Paul Catholic Girls Schools with the Milletts.

I did not know that at the time. 

This was a coincidence, but one I couldn’t ignore because I know how mass hysteria spreads among cohorts in such clutches, convents, cloisters, and classrooms. 

I also know it spreads beyond them.

Confirmation Bias or Confirmation?

I’ve always suspected my mother’s Catholic School education had something to do with the hysteric paranoia, pathological, irrational, histrionic, and manipulative behavior that distorted reality for her and those around her.

Whatever it was, it also seemed connected to the moral panics and moral movements that seem to catalyze out of Minnesota, including the wealthy Marxist Children like Mic Crenshaw who founded Anti Racist Action in 1988

This was a very dangerous groupthink created by precisely the types of delusional thinking that had affected my mother. 

It should be noted, one Minneapolis | St. Paul bus route goes within 8 blocks of the homes of Kate Millett, Catharine MacKinnon, Ellen Pence, and Kathleen Ann Soliah of the Symbionese Liberation Army as well as the corner where George Floyd had his life squeezed out of him.

These women each had political connections and have created unimaginable detrimental effects on due process, in Minnesota, and around the world. More impact than most academics could imagine, Dr. Fiamengo. 

A University of Minnesota researcher I’ve been corresponding with since 2017, told me in 2020 that my writings had begun to read more like activism than research. 

It was a harsh but legitimate critique and one that pushed me to “come clean,” write my actual theses, and provide the evidence to support them.

These are a lot of coincidences, but how can I tie them together?

First, Explain The Gist

These attitudes are likely biologically driven and express themselves in certain conditions. The evolutionary nature of the Feminist variant of the woke_mind_virus creates a deep belief in some. 

A combination of motivated reasoning, ASCH Conformity, and social rewards for belief signaling act as a script that binds and blinds The Mindhive (™) creating a groupthink echochamber that vibrates with certain stimulus.

If my Twin Theses are correct, the unrest following George Floyd was one of these group-quakes. The Spectral Evidence Act of 2022 may be another example.

These biases distort reality for the infected. They will reject your research as outright heresy. They’ll similarly reject my series using source documents to question some of the most common Black History narratives.

As Dr. Reynolds observed and measured, there are typecasts of men as perpetrators and Women as as “patients” deserving of care. 

The patient typecast of Women is rigorously enforced by certain men and Women using standard taboo enforcement mechanisms.

Kate Millett’s Patriarchy Theory conforms directly to this Male Perpetrator | Female Patient (seemingly) cross cultural typecast.

Kimberle’ Williams Crenshaw’s Intersectionality seems to extend the moral patiency and taboos evolved to protect Women and children to the actions of minority outgroups.

I have known this patronizing phenomena by many names, Minnesota Nice, Stereotype Accuracy Resistance Syndrome (SARS), Jordan Peterson called it the contradictory “Postmodern Neo-Marxism”, Gad Saad calls it, Parasitic Mind, the Grievance Studies Affair referred to is as the horrifyingly accurate “Applied Postmodernism.”

I am settling on Elon Musk’s definition of woke_mind_virus. This is precisely the behavior as I’ve observed it.

It exploits the human operating system and spreads to other humans via a series of scripts throughout a linked human emotional network of True Believers and their Sympathetics.