Marc Angelucci Memorial

Marc Angelucci

TL;DR Set your calendars for MN the weekend of July 8-10th

For those that knew Marc Angelucci, a memorial is being planned for the weekend of July 8-10th in the Twin Cities (Mpls-St. Paul, MN).  Please see the full details at the end of this article and let the organizers know if you’d like to attend.

Marc Angelucci did more to end the draft than every activist in US History combined.  

If you’re reading this, I hope you will come and help to honor this man. 

It is perhaps fitting that the man known for fighting against illegal discrimination laws against men would have his memorial in Minnesota.

Minnesota introduced British Commonlaw’s first unconstitutional national sex registry, they punish for life but do little to keep communities safe. The Duluth Domestic Violence Model’s destructive force began here. 

The Day Care Sex hysteria catalyzed when a small town prosecutor had paranoid visions for political greatness. 

Minnesota is the home of Marxist Feminism, Patriarchy Theory, and the proposed AHA (Abby Honable Act). This Bill will fund police departments who accept everything shy of spectral evidence to get a conviction.

NCFM has put together a fund to inspire a generation of young lawyers to continue Marc’s legal work. There will be no shortage of need for them. 

An idealistic desire for fairness crossed with a pragmatic understanding of equal protection under the law were the engine of Marc’s charisma.

Marc was genuinely concerned for the plight of men and was a great lover of women.  I saw his world class charm first hand in Chicago.

That’s a story for another day.  

Filmmaker Cassie Jaye went into the Men’s Rights arena looking for monsters. She and her mother, who served as cameraman for Marc’s Red Pill interviews, both immediately fell in love with him.    

His arguments were clear, persuasive, and delivered with his signature  practical compassion. He dispelled myths about the realities of men’s issues with magnetic realism. 

Marc’s undeniable credibility and presence laid the foundation that guaranteed this movie would be the beginning of the end of the silence on men’s issues.

His interview was featured heavily in the film and Cassie and her mother invited Marc to her wedding.  He drove the length of California to be there.

He helped many poor fathers get world-class legal assistance by providing pro bono work, and challenged women’s role in selective service.

Marc brought attention to men’s forced labor exemptions that enabled slavery into the 30’s, lack of resources for battered men and destructive habits of family and criminal courts. 

Marc created an open and honest dialogue around sensitive topics. He framed falsely accused people as victims and challenged the myth of male power. 

“Men write laws to discriminate against other men,” and on another occasion he said, “It doesn’t matter if the cop who’s illegally profiling is Black, it’s still wrong, and it’s still discrimination.”

His disarming, persuasive presence, and unarguable reasonable positions are key reasons the Red Pill Movie caused the pearl-clutching hysteria and panic in Australia which prompted me to start writing in 2017.

Marc’s optimism came from a long trendline of awareness and acceptance of men’s issues, including false accusations, and yet somehow he remained hopeful.

“The type of reactions you’re getting today about the men’s rights movement are the kind you would get 15 years ago, when you talked about father’s rights.  That has changed. 

If I mentioned father’s rights 15 years ago when I was a law student people wouldn’t like it. People would say, oh, you mean the ones who don’t want to pay child support. 

That has changed now, when you say father’s rights, you’re going to have a divided room, but you’ll have some people who are very sympathetic to it. 

You’re not going to have that immediate reaction of scorn. I think the men’s rights movement will evolve that way too but it’s going to take a longer battle because it’s about much more than just about fathers.”

It really is about a lot more than just fathers.

I’m so glad I had the chance to meet Marc, and I’m looking forward to honoring him among his friends in July.

About The Event

This will be a face-to-face board meeting, 45th anniversary celebration, and Celebration of Life in honor of 30-year NCFM member and the sorely missed and much-loved Vice-President, Marc Angelucci, Esq. who was murdered July 11, 2020.

This event is in the planning stages and will be dependent on the status of COVID and other factors arising due to our questionable economy, both or either of which may make it problematic if not impossible to hold such an event.

For planning purposes, please RSVP here so we can get an idea of how many may attend. The exact location and all of the details will be forthcoming once we have a better idea of how many to expect.