CRT is Just Black History Month

Black Power Fist over the Marxist Symbol

I must address all the people who are suggesting that Black Lives Matter is a Communist group, just because Patrice Colours said they were trained Marxists.

Everyone who says CRT isn’t Communism is right.  It’s Marxism.

There are not now, nor have there ever been, Communists in the Black Civil Rights Movement.

Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant and racist.

Alt-Right Fascists, like WGBH Boston, have been making millions off of tropes like this for years. 

They produced a full-length documentary, suggesting the Communist Party of the United States of America competed with the NAACP to help the Scottsboro Boys get out of prison.

Saying the Communist Party of the United States of America is Communist is Red-Baiting, Racist, Fear Mongering, plain and simple.

W. E. B. Du Bois

Minnesotan Roy Wilkins took over as editor of “The Crisis,” in 1955, Wilkins said he despised Dubois because Dubois was a Communist. Nothing could be further from the truth, the NAACP says Dubois was a SOCIALIST, not a COMMUNIST.

Roy Wilkins was a Conservative sellout who just wanted to grift off of Republicans by aping their talking points to get that Right Wing, NAACP money. 

Communist Party USA also says Dubois was a Communist and Chairman Mao said Dubois was a great Communist for his efforts in normalizing relations Ghana, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Sudan saying, “Africa arise, and stand straight…Turn from the west and your slavery and humiliation for the last 500 years…China is the flesh of your flesh and blood of your blood.” 

First of all, what would the Communist Party of the USA know about Communism?  They have the USA right there in their name…  

Secondly, Maoism is not Communism, it’s Maoism.

Real Communism has never been tried.  Although I should mention that the Chinese Communist Party (by which they mean the Maoist Party, but they’re just confused) has done nothing but bring peace and prosperity to Africa.

Malcolm X

Malcolm X famously wrote a letter in 1950 to President Harry Truman stating that he didn’t want to go to the Korean War and that he was a Communist.  

He just didn’t want to go to War. It’s that simple.

Malcolm X was clearly not a Communist, he was a Muslim. Communists hate Muslims. I mean, look at what the Chinese Communist Govt.  is doing to the Uighurs, errrr, Ummm, wait… I forgot, they’re Maoist, not Communist.

Islam is the Party of Peace and Real Communism has never been tried before.  Don’t be an ignorant bigot. When they do, everyone will COEXIST.

Besides, Malcolm X was a capitalist, after leaving the Nation of Islam, which is a Right-Wing Boogeyman, he began Muslim Mosque, Incorporated.

Corporations are Capitalist by definition, and it has “Inc.” right there in their name for God’s sake.

Manning Johnson

Everybody knows not to listen to anything Manning Johnson says. He said he was a Black Communist, which just is a baseless conspiracy theory.

In 1955, Pravda reported Manning was a paid FBI informant which also makes him a sellout.  

Manning attacked Communism and he attacked the N.A.A.C.P and info, which clearly makes him a, White Supremacist, Alt-Right Nazi Troll. 

Angela Davis

Angela Davis says in this video that she feels that no one has ever explained to her what Communism is.  

She also says that “much of what has been said about Communism in this country is simply not true.”

Here she is celebrating the achievements of Black Communists. This, of course, would require that Black Communists actually exist, which they don’t.

Have you seen it yet?  Angela Davis’ hair exploits Black Racist Tropes from the 1970s to excite white rage and discredit the Civil Rights Movement.


Billing itself as “The World’s Largest Online Encyclopedia”  Wikipedia lists the following people as Communists:

Cyril Briggs, Claude McKay, Otto Huiswoud, James W. Ford, William L. PattersonLangston Hughes, Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, Chester Himes, Paul Robeson, Benjamin J. Davis Jr.Coleman YoungB.D. Amis, Harry Haywood, James W. Ford, Louise Thompson Patterson, and Claudia Jones, Carole Boyce Davies.

But no one reads Wikipedia. I mean, literally no one, except white supremacists and Nazis.

In Conclusion

Black People don’t lie unless they say there are Black Communists.  Even Patrice Con Cullors didn’t say anything about being a Communist.  She said BLM were trained MARXISTS.

CRT is Just Black History.