All Women Against Jewel Eldora

AI Generated art based on the prompt "No Jewel Eldora" - a dark haired woman in front of a wall of women's faces

We appreciate Jewel Eldora’s analysis suggesting humans don’t care about men’s issues because men are gross. 

However, we roundly condemn her and demand that she never be allowed to return to Twitter for the following reasons:

First, Ms. Eldora does not speak for “All Women,” as if such a thing existed. Second, she used the R-Word publicly and we all agree that no one should ever use that word, ever. 

She also had the audacity to suggest this community was part of a global “Dumbfuck Conspiracy,” a trope which is considered harmful among the broader Dumbfuck community. 

Additionally, she accused Sam Harris of literally using the N-Word.

Eldora has also spun dangerous Antisemitic conspiracy theories that Minnesotan Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, some Muslims, and Hutterites are responsible for the #Woke_Mind_Virus

This type of Antisemitism can lead to real world harm.

Recent blogposts show the depth of her Antisemitism. She literally claims there is an Antisemitism Industry which generates Antisemitism and then suggests that algorithmic HUMOR might be the solution to solving actual Jew hatred.

Using humor to diffuse racial tensions is the epitome of hate.

We condemn this kind of Antisemitism and Antisemitism in all of its forms and stand with our friends in the Jewish Community.

Looking back just a little further, her blog promotes more conspiracies… for example, she claims that the State of Minnesota and State of Wisconsin Family and Criminal Courts might be responsible for the deaths of Eli Hart and the Waukesha Christmas Parade Incident.

This type of plaintiff blaming is disgusting and has no room on Twitter or in society in general. 

Perhaps most disturbing were her daily Black History Month articles, in which she cited historical source materials and suggested that the sacred values of the “Civil Rights Industry” are based on false narratives. 

She suggested that Keith Ellison and Ilhan Omar were misandric pigs for not speaking publicly regarding Officer Mohamed Noor’s show trial, and then, Eldora demanded that Noor get a fair trial even after he’d shot and killed A WOMAN!

She’s written an article with every Deeply Offensive Racist Slur in it, and openly criticized Affirmative Action and Political Correctness, especially in policing and emergency situations.

She claims ”multi-year, nationwide data unambiguously indicates that increasing the number of women and minorities in a police force produces more deadly use of force and greater racial disparities in police deaths.”

This type of analysis of publicly available research data is completely outrageous.

Jewel Eldora has written several series suggesting that humans are biased AGAINST men in some ways. 

Jewel repeatedly suggests “women and men in sympathy with women” are in some kind of global collective victim hivemind.  

She also publicly stated that “a Black man in America applying to any college or corporate job will get the opportunity 100% of the time over an equally qualified white man, in America, with all other things being equal”.

She claimed credit, in an Open Letter to God, for triggering the 2020 global hysteria by violating this group’s taboos, at scale, on public access television. 

Can you believe it? She believes in God!

She publicly says that postmodernists who believe the world is made of language are in a Secular Puritan Woke Death Cult

As far back as 2017, she was describing Black Lives Matter as a “bunch of white women and college students being coralled by ‘Black lesbian pickup artists who are also Communists.” 

She also claimed that she suspected this model would be working in other cities as well.

All Hate speech.

During the height of the Pandemic, she publicly tweeted, “You can’t say Pandemic without saying Panic and Dem,” and then also suggested that George Floyd might be alive today if he’d followed Published Minneapolis Mask Guidelines while resisting arrest.  

While these are technically true, stating it is trans-mysognistic science denial and dangerous antivaxxism.

As if this weren’t enough, for Women’s History Month Jewel published a series of articles platforming Dr. Janice Fiamengo.  

Fiamengo’s so-called “analysis of feminist history and theory” suggests feminism has always been a deeply anti-white, anti-human pathology spreading via pro-women victim hysteria. Can you believe that?

We’ve also discovered that Jewel once liked an Elon Musk tweet suggesting that Mastodon users were judgy hall monitors.  We all know that Musk has been known to publicly use the word Karen when talking to Senator Pocahantas.

Jewel Eldora can not continue to be on social media or anywhere in public, for that matter. 


All Women Against Jewel Eldora