Women and Black Indigenous Police of Color

Silent Movie Still - Keystone Cops

Between officer Geronimo Yanez and Mohamed Noor, Minnesota white supremacist police killings were spiraling out of control. 

Recruiting and training more qualified Women and BIPOC Marxist Praxtitioners to serve on Minnesota Police forces has been difficult, but is necessary to stopping the racist killing of Black men in Minnesota.

Black officer Alex Kueng was on his third shift as a Minneapolis Police Officer when he arrested George Floyd. 

Many criticized his lack of training in dealing with the public.  

He is currently on trial as an accessory to 2nd-degree murder and violating George Floyd’s civil rights for his part in starting the most infamous and racist traffic stop in history.

Another Black officer training in Brooklyn Center, testified last week that when he saw Mr. Wright signaling right in the left turn lane, with expired tabs and an air freshener in his window, he, “Wanted more experience with the public.” 

He initiated the second most infamous and racist traffic stop in Minnesota history.

Handcuffing a suspect in front of an open door of a running car is the definition of a rookie mistake.  

He was Luckey.

Many people suggest that rerouting and training more Women and BIPOC Officers is the answer to stopping these racist killings.

I guess that depends on how you define racist and how you count dead bodies. [1] [2] [3]


