David Marcus Goes First

AI Generated Art based on the prompt Black Hebrew Israelites

I really appreciated this Newsweek piece by David Marcus.  He showed Glenn Singleton level moral courage when he wrote “It’s Time to Talk About Antisemitism in the Black Community”. 

Well, if I were to rank order which discussions among bigots of color we need to have, one could do worse than Antisemitism.

There’s a near billion dollar industry to seek, identify, and amplify Antisemitism everywhere they can find it. Go ahead and try to find a generally accepted, working definition of Antisemitism.

My experiences “doing the work” are detailed in The Holyland and the Antisemitism Industry.  What I found was that much like Black Lives Matter, the Never Forget Business looks rife with fraud and abuse.

Speaking of abuse, let’s talk about David Marcus.  He’s probably going to get some abuse for putting his neck out with an opinion like this. He may also get some plaudits for connecting Kanye West’s comments to a widely diverse community of people.

While most of the criticism will be harsh, stupid, and useless, if David gets more plaudits than criticism he might still want to take pause and ask why.

Like Kanye’, I appreciate David taking the risk, and the hit, to try and make something better, by talking about something uncomfortable or taboo. Sometimes going first means being on point and this article is quite on point.

There’s quite a bit to agree with in it. 

Some other things I’m a bit more skeptical about. Particularly since I live at the Woke Pole and epicenter of the woke_mind_virus, Minnesota. Living here has had me questioning hysteria, mass formation, and victimhood group histrionics, in all its forms.

From Newsweek:

I agree with this completely. 

As groups, Blacks and Jews both suffer from near feminine levels of Stereotype Threat Disorder (STD) and, arguably, both have Post Traumatic Slave Disorder (PTSD) that we treat with political correctness.  

Unfortunately, some members of these groups get strung out on these opioids as we collectively let them demand their own collective nouns, adjectives, pronouns etc.

Any interruption of the utopiate flow results in group histrionics. Warning: Truth bombs have been known to catalyze and amplify these hysteria.

This is a bad combination of attributes for actually resolving intergroup differences. Because both Jews and Blacks, like women, are likely to explode with even the dumbest provocation. 

Watch what happens when men stereotype women. The histrionic pearl clutching and immediate and long term derogation are precisely the same mechanism in Jews and Blacks.  

One does not even have to say an actually offensive thing to have the conversation side-lined or lose reputation.

Hallucination followed by a Histrionic Accusation to damage the wrong thinkers’ reputation. 

I cover this phenomena in “Antisemites are Retards” but could just as easily have replaced Antisemite with “Racist.”

The threat of having your life destroyed by a bad actor intentionally or accidentally misinterpreting your comments is not a good recipe for positive gender or race relations.

I outline two problems with combating Antisemitism, in Antisemitism’s Intersectional Problem. 

  1. What is a Jew? is as complicated and touchy as What is a Woman? in 2022
  2. Who exactly gets to decide what is or isn’t Antisemitism?

Who the hell is Jewel Eldora to say? You may ask.

For starters, I provided public accommodation for many of Farrakhan’s followers in Mpls, MN – including the Attorney General of my State, Keith Ellison

Part of my previous weekly job obligation was also to provide services to the Twin Cities Black Hebrew Israelites.  

I became quite friendly with the local chapter leader (I can’t remember his unpronounceable BHI name) but he was quite clear about their apocalyptic plans for white male Genocide, which includes non-Black Jews. (They’ve always had a breeding solution for the women.) 

It was a fascinating subculture that wants to kill all white and Jewish men and subjugate all of the women of the world.

These young BHI men are promised harems in a post-apocalyptic utopia that are bigger than the harems they’re able to attract and maintain in this oppressively racist society.  The Covington Catholic Girls’ screaming and taunting back and forth with the Black Hebrew Israelites is what catalyzed the events of the Nick Sandman case in Washington, DC.

This went largely unreported by mainstream media.

David Marcus and I are both seeing something similar. Very real hatred of everyone who is not Black, including, of course, the people Kanye’ dared say mattered.

This might be where we diverge a bit, “Horrific” and “Tirades” seem a bit subjective for a tweet and a soundbite. 

Another place we do agree is that he didn’t learn these bizarre conspiracies in a vacuum. 

Many believe Kanye’s conspiracies have nothing to do with his personal experience in Hollywood. I’m generally skeptical of that claim to be honest.

When actor / screenwriter Greg Ellis wrote “The Respondent,” about an alleged, seemingly criminal conspiracy between his wife, mother in law, and his psychiatrist, It didn’t look like a Jewish conspiracy to him. 

For some reason, when the group of people with State Power allegedly seized control over his children with his ex wife Kim Kardashian, it DOES look like a Jewish Conspiracy to Kanye.

Do we believe that Greg Ellis has had people conspire against him to take his property and take him down? 

Are Jewish people somehow uniquely not capable of extortion and conspiracy?

One of my favorite films of all time is the “Die Wannseekonferenz” remake, featuring Kenneth Branau and Stanley Tucci, released under the name “Conspiracy.”  

Contrary to popular opinion, sometimes, people actually are gathering in groups, conspiring to steal other people’s resources or do them harm.

I particularly enjoyed Stanley Tucci’s portrayal of Eichman, who very much admired some attributes of The Jews and wished the German people would adopt them. 

Kanye has made similar comments, which have outraged Blacks and Jews alike.  

I’m sure there are some people who are happy that I just compared Kanye’s tweet to Eichman

They’ve been itching to make that connection since Sukkot.  

Another point of disagreement. With certainty, Political Correctness can stop any progress, don’t be silly.  That is its job.

The next sentence may also be the source of some further disagreement.  

Aggressively attacking what we are arbitrarily determining to be lies may be a bad strategy for reducing intergroup hostilities.

There is a thing about empirical reality that people can sometimes get defensive about.

Not defensive enough, in my opinion, but when pathologized, and treated like you’re a retard for sharing hate facts, people can get resentful. This begins to feel (operative word) coercive and omnipresent.

One hundred percent agreement.  The first thing we could do would be to ask every inner city school teacher to answer this question truthfully:

Is an equally qualified Black male college applicant or job applicant 100% more likely to be accepted or hired than an equally qualified white or Jewish male?

Wouldn’t it be great if every public school teacher in America were obligated, by contract, curricula, and convention to tell the next generation of women and Black children the accurate, legal reality about the sex and race privileges they are afforded by US law and corporate policy?

How about that for the truth to spread? 

Writing something into a teaching contract is easier than banning Critical Victim Theory.

How about if the “excuse” is that learning the Story (™) of any population or ethnic group is a farce, as it assumes ingroup view point homogeneity and/or epistemology?  

You’re going to do that among Jews? Good luck. The Story (™) will get hijacked by Woke Salemites and Orthowokes of all varieties.

That seems more like a legitimate reason especially if it seems to develop a culture where discourse is derailed by histrionic taboo enforcement for fun and/or profit.

I can not think of a worse idea than using government or foundational money to spread STD’s or PTSD via Blacks and Jews fighting to out-victimize each other, together.

I would argue that funding the spread of the woke_mind_virus and mass formation hysteria around group grievances is a thing to actually avoid in the future.

I’d agree that this is half of a conversation that no one can have because the costs of being “Wrong” for a Jew in public is too high.  

Being “Wrong”(™) about Blacks is going to get a Jew canceled and targeted.  

On the Black side, the cost of being “Wrong” for the richest Black man in the entertainment industry, was the shut down of his entire business.   

What are the costs for the Schmuck on the Street (™) in the “Black Community”(™)?

Before anyone can have this conversation, we have to be aware of mass market hysteria, STD’s, PTSD, and the resulting risk of social and economic histrionic contempt and derogation as coercion tactics.  

The Antisemitism Industry might be doing as much good for Jews as a brand as Black Lives Matter did for the Black Community.

It may also be time to speak plainly and ignore the predictable histrionics as the 12 Intersectional Marxist Hydra Ouroboros (IMHO) is about to eat itself.

Source:  Google NGram Woke Hydra

Jews and Blacks who do not wish to be eaten by this hydra would do well to read Woke Antisemitism and any number of articles by the authors and contributors listed in Free Black Thought.

I’ve tried not to be alarmist, but would like to be on record as saying I believe that wokeness is a bigger problem than anyone else talking about it. 

Elon Musk is the only public figure accurately calling it an existential threat.

I may also be the only person who has publicly connected Woke paranoia with QAnon paranoia with the New Puritan movement described by Doyle and Rothman this year. 

After reading these books, I’ve begun referring to the Woke|QAnon Conspiracists as Salemites after the Salem Mass Witch Formation. (SMWF) 

Of course it didn’t take long for someone to mistakenly assume I meant “JeruSalemites” – of which I thought the double entendre was too funny to drop. Accusations be damned.

I thought to myself, this is the hill I’m going to die on.