

Deray McKesson was the (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) D.I.E. Director for the Minneapolis School District. He was Patient Zero who introduced Black Lives Matter (BLM) to The Mindhive (™) and vice versa.  

When he left Minneapolis to become a full time organizer in Ferguson and Baltimore, there was a billboard across the street of MPLS ISD HQ pointing out MN had the worst racial education disparities in the country.

His response was to talk to Minnesota nonprofit leaders about how Minnesota Nice hurts racial equity.  

After launching the certainly not Marxist , only Black Lives Matter Movement, co organizing the protests in Ferguson and Baltimore rather than recruiting qualified teachers he returned to Minneapolis for the 4th precinct Takeover in Nov 2015.  

The 4th Precinct Takeover was a dry run for the George Floyd unrest.

Fortune magazine voted him one of the Greatest World Leaders in 2015. After his tremendous success in equity training in Minneapolis and racial reconciliation in Ferguson and other cities around the country he appeared on Steven Colbert’s show.  

After telling Colbert that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton acknowledged the white privilege of poor people, he set to work educating Colbert how white privilege works.

Deray pointed out that Colbert had a lot of money, a show, was white, and had an obligation to extend opportunities to others. Since Deray was there at the time he took Colberts’ seat and all the Women and Marxist children clapped and cheered.

That’s how white privilege works.

Deray is now a commentator for Crooked Media, and this month has become part of Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey’s Committee to dismantle no knock warrants, following the death of Amir Locke