Unconstrained Analytics Report on MN – When Does a State Become a Counterstate?

Cytokine Storm of the Right

I laid out my political statement in Viktor Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Automatic Out-group Derogation of Men, one of my earliest 2017 AVFM articles.  In it I state, “Gulags and Concentration Camps look the same on the inside.”  

That’s my way of saying both sides seem to be competing for who’s going to control the Authoritarian-Surveillance-State they’re making. I guess that makes me a centrist, but that’s not how I see it.

One of my Minnesota twitter followers recently tagged me with an intelligence report from security analysts, Stephen Coughlin and Richard Higgins at Unconstrained Analytics. Rather than publish my regular weekend series, I spent the entire weekend reading reports on their site.

One report in particular, “Requiem for-Minnesota When Does a State Become a Counterstate?” hit me like a ton of bricks. Like me, these analysts had predicted that Minnesota would be the epicenter of a global panic because of one of the several hypotheses I outlined in my Swamp Leak Hypothesis.

“6. Minnesota Political and Media Networks/Producers and Anti-Racist Activists”

I’ve attempted several times this weekend to write an analysis of the Unconstrained Analytics reports that is more consistent with my political statement.

The woke_mind_virus is not unique to the political Left, in my observations. There is also a Right wing variant, which brings us things like QAnon.

Rather than its own independent variant, the QAnon version may be best thought of as a Cytokine Storm in response to an infective agent. 

The Summary Below is from Unconstrained Analytics.

Full Report: https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/requiem-for-minnesota-when-does-a-state-become-a-counterstate/

Requiem for Minnesota – When Does a State Become a Counterstate? (5/30/2020)

ANTESCRIPT: As this assessment was about to be released, an African-American man died at the hands of Minneapolis police. The police officer’s action should be investigated, there should be trial, and justice should take its course.

That said, the police killing an African-American in Minneapolis is severable from its political warfare exploitation—which was spring loaded, ready, and on time. This article remains on point in warning that Minnesota has become a central Neo-Marxist / Islamic Movement united front activity posturing in advance of this election cycle. As “Warning on Racism” warned, the political warfare preparation of the (information) environment made such an event—somewhere—probable.

As may be further developed at a later time, from a political warfare perspective, a number of resisting arrest and related contentious “racism” events have been on the rise as the COVID narratives exhaust themselves. It’s just a matter of numbers that, at some point, such activity will lead to an overreaction by law enforcement that can then be used to jump-start the movement leading into the summer.

As the political season heats up, this means Antifa/BLM/MB street groups will be given broader latitude while the Minnesota AG will be under-responsive to mass line street violence from the Left, thus putting law enforcement in a highly defensive posture.

The killing of Mr. Floyd was a tragedy.

The spring-loaded narratives that followed were pre-packaged and are aimed at delegitimizing law enforcement in advance of a period of violence.

From months before the Minneapolis event, an action like this was foreseeable, was foreseen, and is, as is already occurring, designed to go national.