Unconstrained Analytics Report on MN 2 – Warning on Racism

Warning sign

I laid out my political statement in Viktor Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Automatic Out-group Derogation of Men, one of my earliest 2017 AVFM articles.  In it I state, “Gulags and Concentration Camps look the same on the inside.”  

That’s my way of saying both sides seem to be competing for who’s going to control the Authoritarian-Surveillance-State they’re making. I guess that makes me a centrist, but that’s not how I see it.

Recently, one of my Minnesota twitter followers tagged me with an intelligence report from security analysts, Stephen Coughlin and Richard Higgins at Unconstrained Analytics. Rather than publish my regular weekend series, I spent the weekend reading reports on their site.

One report in particular, “Requiem for-Minnesota When Does a State Become a Counterstate?” hit me like a ton of bricks. Like me, these analysts had predicted that Minnesota would be the epicenter of a global panic because of one of the several hypotheses I outlined in my Swamp Leak Hypothesis.

“6. Minnesota Political and Media Networks/Producers and Anti-Racist Activists”

I’ve attempted several times this weekend to write an analysis of the Unconstrained Analytics reports that is more consistent with my political statement 

In order to adequately reference the astounding evidence of Unconstrained Analysis’ content, while maintaining my political neutrality, I’ll be linking to their books, three of their articles, and publishing their Executive Summaries in total so you can take a look.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. 


Warning on Racism

In Warning on Racism, Unconstrained Analytics warns “Leftists” will use accusations of Systemic Racism to attack the foundations of our society, our societal infrastructure so to speak.

I’d argue, systemic racism is a very real problem, as is unchecked systemic sexism, in part, because our willful blindness to the humanity of men has left us susceptible to these destructive tactics.

Each political party is willing to screw men to gain political favor.  This undermines Black men, Indigenous Men of Color, and White Men.  In either event, the credentialed / political class has screwed men of all races and in the process, undermined the family.

The Summary Below is from Unconstrained Analytics.

Warning on Racism  (11/2019) 



There are indicators that the Left will initiate a strategic information effort leveraging the full range of political warfare activities to delegitimize the United States. The effort will pivot off the upcoming election cycle and include intimidation and violence.

Last February, Unconstrained Analytics published the report Re-Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics to Transform America (Re-Remembering). It argues that the left operates dialectically through weaponized attack narratives to destroy identity. It accomplishes this objective through targeted negation campaigns that seek the denial of individual, social and national identity.

The negation process conditions the domestic populations to accept and even support violence, integrates non-violent actions to enhance effects, and shapes enduring perceptions in support of planned end states. It is a process that anticipates domestic terrorism. As it relates to this assessment, the target is all things American. At its core, it is Marxist.

Possibly in preparation for the upcoming election cycle, these narratives are escalating in frequency and intensity. As they escalate, intimidation and violence will be integrated into the narratives by design.

As such, recent events can be understood to reflect the opening phase of an information campaign designed to sculpt the information battlespace for future planned operations through preparations resembling operational preparation of the environment (OPE) activities normally associated with special operations.[1] This assessment will focus on the “racism” line of effort (LOE).

As appropriated by the left, the “racism” LOE seeks to define all things American as “racist” in furtherance of delegitimizing all things American. It does this, for example, by designating all things American as “white”; white nationalism, white supremacy, white privilege, etc. and therefore racist.

The end state is the suppression of all speech that promotes or defends America by designating all things American as racist.

These narratives escalate by design. To recognize their arc and trajectory, it is necessary to understand the roles they play in political warfare regimes. As Josef Pieper observed, the objective is reality dislocation; to deny people their “share and portion of reality, to prevent their participation in reality.” [2]

Re-Remembering argues that the only way to properly understand the left is as a dialectically determined Marxism that follows Maoist political warfare disciplines.

Since its release last February, events have come to light that validate the political warfare concepts argued. The “otherism” lines of effort, including those of racism, depend on the validity of already implemented political warfare regimes.  A seamless, self-sustaining loop exists between current LOEs and well-established underlying regimes that are mutually supportive and reinvigorating.

Thus, as new LOEs are implemented, they are automatically reinforced by, and build upon, pre-existing political warfare activities that solidify their validity while enabling their simultaneous expansion, amplification and penetration. Hence, before explaining the racism LOE in detail, the underlying political warfare trajectory on which the racism LOE is to be advanced will be explained.

If the validating events of Part I serve as indicators that this is how these events are to be understood, the escalating attack narratives they illuminate in Part II should serve as warning. This is not partisan politics, we need to prepare for violence.

[1] Joint Publication 3-05 “Special Operations” defines Operational Preparation of the Environment (OPE) “as the conduct of activities in likely or potential operational areas to prepare and shape the operational environment. [Commanders] conduct OPE to develop knowledge of the operational environment, establish human and physical infrastructure, and for general target development.”

[2] Josef Pieper, Abuse of Language – Abuse of Power, Ignatius Press, 1992 (trans. Lothar Krauth, Kosel-Verlag, Munich 1974), 16.

PART 1: Validating Indicators

PART 2: Warning Concerning Escalating Attack Narratives


This assessment confirms the political warfare orientation of the Neo-Marxist Left in America that is fundamentally international, foreign and hostile. Estimates that fail to account for these realities are under-inclusive to the threats they pose.

The racism accusations of the Left are not the same as those fought over through the civil rights movement but rather are part of a bundled set of otherism LOEs structured to destroy (nihilize) identity.

The Left is targeting the upcoming election cycle with non-violent attack narratives to be enforced by violent LOEs in the form of intimidation and actual violence. As such, the political warfare effort will be coordinated and calibrated – it must be understood this way. These efforts will succeed if not properly assessed and countered.

In closing, the Neo-Marxist weaponization of racism is the leading edge of political warfare attacks that will be enforced through hate speech regimes imposed through international and foreign forums. The speech codes these efforts seek to enforce have already achieved de facto enforcement.

Racism seeks the destruction of American identity.

Hate speech purposefully seeks the destruction of the First Amendment, which it has already substantively displaced in popular culture.

Because Neo-Marxist LOEs attack along political warfare vectors that follow Maoist mass line trajectories, there is great confidence in their success because there is a high degree of assurance that Americans—especially among national security professionals—lack the discernment and the competencies to recognize these activities as strategic level assaults, let alone defend against them.

That America’s national security apparatus is defenseless against political warfare attacks is established and well known. As two Chinese Colonels stated over twenty years ago in their 1999 Chinese War College thesis:

“Whether it be the intrusion of hackers, a major explosion at the World Trade Center, of a bombing attack by bin Laden, all of these greatly exceed the frequency bandwidths understood by the American military . . . This is because they have never taken into consideration and have even refused to consider means that are contrary to tradition and to select measures of operation other than military means.”[1]

One thing is certain, because hate speech is a direct and purposeful assault on the integrity of the First Amendment and related protected free speech rights, those who engage in its use, especially those beholden to the oath to “support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic,” do so at the immediate cost of the American way of life they are sworn to defend.

[1] Col Qiao Liang, Col Wang Xiangsui, Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America, Pan American Publishing, Panama City, Panama, 2002 (Originally published in 1999 by China’s People’s Liberation Army, China, 1999), 102.