True Believers

White Woman Praying at the Shrine of Critical Theory

When the Biden Administration made Federal Spending on Critical Theory a first-day priority, ahead of even the promised $2,000 relief checks, it became inevitable there would be a national reckoning on Church and State.

You’ve no doubt heard, “Systems of Colonialist Oppression create Systemic Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Islamophobia, Transphobia, fatphobia, Pedophobia (Coming Soon), Science Denial, Misogyny, Rape Culture, Misogyny, Rape Apology, Micro Aggressions Manspreading, Vaccine Hesitancy, White Privilege, White Fragility, White Nationalism, White Supremacy, Irreversible Global Catastrophic Climate Crisis, Climate Emergency, Climate Injustice, and all inequity.”

True Believers see these things everywhere, as omnipresent as Original Sin or the Grace of God. This Gospel must be spread to enlighten the masses in order to bring the world closer to utopia.

While Critical Theorists insist their belief system isn’t a religion, to them this is Their Truth, it’s THE Truth, and to the outsider, it has all the markings of a belief system built on faith.

Question that faith, and you are branded as a heretic to be excommunicated from civil society as a moral pervert.

This is not new.

The philosophical idea of “Dismantling Systems of Oppression of one unjustly privileged group while disadvantaging/oppressing another,” aka, “Doing the Work,” goes back to at least Hegel in Germany.

Using “Lived Experience” versus objective reality for fun and profit in the human sciences comes to us directly from Wilhelm Dilthey, the Hegel Chair in Philosophy at the University of Berlin.

A deep dive into the moral and philosophical roots of sophisticated legal and political philosophy is beyond the scope of this article.

The lines of sophisticated philosophy will be obscured by Kindergarten teachers and rhyming-chanting activists.

We’re concerned here with the logic of the playground that political predators can pour like poison into the sandboxes our children play in.  

  • Girls, BIPOC, the LGBTQIAA+, Fat, and Disabled people are harmed (oppressed) by boys and whites.
  • Cry Bullying to get what you want becomes “Doing the Work!”
  • If you disagree with these demands or moral positioning, you’re “enforcing the systems of oppression.”

This isn’t sophisticated, CRT, CGT, CQT, and CFT aren’t taught to children in schools, it’s taught to teachers who are all a part of this puritanical religious tradition

They have a  need for unfettered access to poison children with this totalitarian supra-religious ideology.

All non-believing or openly questioning teachers and administrators are hounded out of schools by gossip, innuendo, and false accusations.  

This series, Purify Yourself in the Waters of Lake Minnetonka, will cover the end of careers of several such teachers, a former assistant principal, and a likely town takeover.

We’ll also explore Pacific Education Group, one of the vendors giving teachers the poison that is then given to the children.

Why does this matter?

The effects this poisonous brainwashing will have on children in the playground may be just a small part of the problem. In Minnesota, the effects of toxic programming from poison peddlers, like Pacific Education Group, have turned deadly.

This series explores the deaths of two Black Men: J.R., shot outside a C.R.T. model school in Richfield, and Amir Locke, killed by police

It’s not important that J.R.’s father, Cortez Rice, a prominent BLM activist, was in the County workhouse for harassing the judge in the Kim Potter Trial during the murder.  

What is important is Jamari Rice and Mekhi Speed, whose warrants resulted in Amir Locke’s death, both went to the same Middle School where Pacific Education Group had a long-running and celebrated contract.

How did this system serve these two young boys and their families?

More importantly, what are the large-scale impacts of hustlers who sell Anti Racist solutions that promote racism by the common definition?  

The cities and school districts that used Pacific Education Group (Pictured) also saw the biggest, most deadly, and destructive protests throughout the country in 2020.

The questions I have for my readers are: 

Is that a coincidence? 

Are the cities most likely to spend money on CRT training for their teachers, also the most likely to have deadly, violent, destructive protests?  

Or, is there a causal relationship?