The Wrong Problem

American Flag with a lady graduate student over it

If there’s a way to get something wrong, conservatives will find it. The current outrage over Critical Race Theory is my new favorite example. Conservatives believe they’ve found out about this new thing being taught to kids at schools and they don’t like it.

Unfortunately, conservatives spent decades ignoring Critical Theory in law enforcement, courts of law, and corporate board rooms, because it suited them.

Critical Theory is a mind virus that turns humans into networked argubots. 

Their lies are like pre-programmed pop-up screens. The mind-virus spreads like computer viruses across a human network.  

The number of variants that have come up since it began in the 1930’s can not be counted. Like all human viruses, they mutate and spread.

Critical Theory infects and corrupts any movement or institution and exploits it. Critical Theory of any flavor “problematizes,” criticizes, and replicates until it destroys everything that is good.

  • In the 1960’s, a version infected the Black Power Movement, destroying it.
  • In the 1970’s, a version infected the Women’s Liberation Movement, destroying it.
  • In the 1980’s, Kimberle’s Williams-Crenshaw Introduced Intersectionality.

She criticized the sexism in the Black Power Movement and found racism in the Women’s Lib Movement.   

Intersectionality allows any group to claim victimhood based on any social identity and creates its own variant. Gender, caste, sex, race, class, sexuality, religion, disability, weight, physical appearance, and height all have their own variant to spread.

Complicated issues become simplified, wrapped in pseudo-intellectual bullshit, and ready to spread behind pretty sounding buzzwords and blatant, seemingly computer-generated lies.

This is not sophisticated technology. 

It’s a a tool for stupid and mean people to feel good by making them feel like they are being sophisticated, enlightened, and nice. They are bullying ASCH-HOLES who over simplify complex problems and bully non-believers as “Oppressors.”

The Rules

Any group with a problem is “oppressed.” Any problem is “oppression.” Anyone who stands in the way of something they want to control is an “Oppressor.”

The solution is to dismantle, defund, reimagine, and put them in charge of whatever “system of oppression” they want to control and call it “x-ist” or “x-phobic” until they control it.  Any resistance to this takeover is a “spectrum of violence,”

This is not sophisticated. It doesn’t need to be in a curriculum. Six-year-old girls learn on the playground how to convert victimhood into power and they can bully their way to whatever they want.

The crybully gets to feel morally and intellectually superior while converting negative, destructive impulses into “activism.” Converting complex problems into easy solutions feels like making the world a better place. Lies, self-deception, victimization, problematization, endless criticism and bullying are all addictive and destructive.

Critical Theory is a utopiate. It gives the user the feeling of illusory superiority, but leaves them with a greater and greater need to signal their luxury beliefs and shame others who do not conform.

The Discovery

On Memorial Day, 2020 the powderkeg finally blew. The death of George Floyd forced everyone to look at due process in the epicenter of Marxist Feminism (Critical Gender Theory). The network of critical arsonists exploded in mostly peaceful hellfire.

The prosecutorial misconduct of Mohamed Noor trial was not televised.  

A small number of people noticed the prosecutorial misconduct during the Derek Chauvin trial. Even more noticed it in the Kim Potter trial. This same System allowed a Marxist Feminist Prosecutor to convict Myon Burrell without any evidence.

Conservatives didn’t notice.

The Root Cause

Minnesota State Representative John Thompson (DFL) suggested we attack the Root Problem of the problems in Minnesota, if we ever want peace.  Former Sen. Scott Jensen (GOP) caused outrage among Republicans by inviting Rep. Thompson to speak during a community panel on the Root Causes.

Both the DFL and GOP demanded Thompson resign after he’d been pulled over while driving after his MN license was suspended for overdue child support, and it was discovered he’d been accused of domestic violence in Minnesota. 

He was going to lose everything he worked for without ever being charged or convicted of a crime. This is a very common phenomena for men in Minnesota. 

The district Thompson represents was literally the Blueprint for Critical Gender Theory in city and state governments. While systematically removing Black fathers from homes and destroying their lives isn’t the only problem with society, it’s certainly one we’re noticing.

What’s great is that everyone can blame it on Black men, which is a very popular thing to do.

Anyone old enough to remember activists like Hillary Clinton calling for “Dead Beat Dads” to lose their licenses and go to jail if they lost their jobs. They may also remember the drumbeat of “Super Predators” that ushered in millions of dollars to Gendered Violence Programs like the Duluth Model.

The Bad News

The bad news for conservatives is that you’re never going to ban your way out of Critical Arson Theory.  The CAT is out of the bag, so to speak.  

It’s an infectious disease and every licensed teacher and administrator has been exposed.

An overwhelming number of them are Women, which means they are automatically oppressed and are going to teach BIPOC kids these addictive and destructive tactics.  Critical Gender Theory literally exploits a universal moral bias that victimizes women.

Even worse, conservatives think this is new and that’s it’s being taught in the curricula. 

Critical Gender Theory (Marxist Feminism) has been teaching girls they are oppressed since the 1970’s.  Critical Racist Pedogogy has been teaching teachers to “Map the Margins” of race since the 90’s.  

As of 2015, vendors like Pacific Education Group have been training teachers how to train critical arsonists without the need for any curricula.

See if these school districts looked anything like the fire map of Summer 2020 (above).

The Good News

Joe Biden made teaching Critical Arson Theory with federal funds his day-one priority.  

That made conservatives notice that there was a problem. 

The trials of Derek Chauvin and Kim Potter both had the same problems as the trial of Myon Burrell.

That may make conservatives take action.

Critical Race Theory isn’t your problem. Critical Arson Theorists in Education, Law Enforcement, and City, State, and Federal Government agencies are.