Sex Bots, TransCorporations, and the War on All Women

Rosie the Riveter and Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons

A recent survey of heterosexual men found that more than 5% would “very much like” to have sex more often. The same survey found a majority “would like” to have someone cook a meal for them.

These alarming trends are just the latest assault in the long-standing war on women.  As if unfair hiring practices and the wage gap weren’t enough, now, a majority of men want to have sex and eat.

This must be stopped.

To make matters worse, capitalism is stepping in to fill these disgusting, perverse desires.

Sex Bots

If a woman doesn’t consent to sex is it rape?  Well, of course it is.  An entire industry has sprung up to help men have sex without a woman’s consent!

Dolls, long used to oppress girls by normalizing motherhood, have recently developed into patriarchy tools, typecasting girls and women while promoting harmful body norms.

Not only do girls and women have to fight against these harmful gender stereotypes and unrealistic body images, now technology has created dolls to normalize rape.

Way to go Capitalism!

What some men have called “Sex Dolls” or “Sex Robots” will allow men to have sex, without consent from women. Whether these dolls are shaped like women, children, or animals, if men can have sex with them without a woman’s explicit consent, they are harmful.

According to feminist ethicist, Kathleen Richardson, of the Campaign formerly Against Sex Robots the terms “Sex Robots” and “Sex Dolls” were created by men and didn’t raise enough of an alarm. 

The organization announced they’ve now changed their name to the Campaign Against Porn Robots. This is more accurate because it can expand its mission to include VR representations of women, porn robots, and porn search algorithms.

This should also be much more alarming to conservative and feminist women alike.

A Thought Experiment

Ask 100 knowledgeable male technologists if given a team of expert designers, engineers, and a $1,000,000 budget, if they would be able to design a $1,000,000 robot that could satisfy man’s sexual relationship needs.

Now, ask 100 knowledgeable female technologists whether they could design a robot that could do the same thing for them.  

It will be a lot harder to find qualified 100 female technologists, because: sexism. 

From an economic, engineering, manufacturing and design standpoint it will be a lot easier to solve this problem for the average man than it is to solve it for any women.  

Finding a partner that is “good enough” to satisfy a man is a much easier specification than to design a robot to satisfying a woman. 

Even accurately describing what will satisfy a woman will require an incredibly sophisticated change order system. This change order system is currently beyond the capacity of any modern AI.

This is one reason we need to stop capitalism, free speech to end the threat of porn robots.


Another disturbing trend in the War on Women is transcorporations – corporations that identify as women.

These corporations may end up further erasing women by doing what women have traditionally done in the home. In 2021, people were rightfully outraged that Aunt Jemima was racist. 

What few people understand is that Aunt Jemima was also not a biological female.

Now, before someone calls me out for being a Transcorporation Exclusionary Radical Feminist, (TERF) let me tell you about this alarming trend. 

In Minnesota, there is a Transcorporation called Betty Crocker, who was also not a biological woman.

From cookbooks to cake mix, Betty Crocker apparently thinks she can judge the efforts of biological women and arbitrarily give her “seal of approval.”  Who in the hell does this bitch think she is?

She may have delicious pre-made hamburger macaroni, dunk-a-roos, and a powerful board of directors, but she does not have ovaries.

Millions of boxes of highly profitable, ready-made, premixed misogyny are being shipped every week out of Minnesota hate factories. 

Women beware!

Update: Our editors have just received notification that our sponsor the lovely and talented Ms. Hallie Burton has the contracts to rebuild Ukraine. You go, girl!