Daunte Wright is dead.
The trial of his killer is happening as I write my next series, “The War on All Men.”
Mr. Wright is simultaneously being canonized as the newest saint in the Systemic Racism canon, while being demonized as a thug without a day in court.
One could argue that Wright didn’t get his day in court because he resisted arrest. That’s an accurate statement. Perhaps you’ve heard the story of Myon Burrell, successfully prosecuted by Hennepin County Prosecutor Amy Klobuchar. Sunny Hostin from View, referred to this as “the most flawed case she’d ever seen. (2:37) Up until Philando Castile or George Floyd, Myon’s story was a shining example of the kind of due process that Minnesota affords men.

Coincidentally, that same evening, Klobuchar went from 13th to 3rd in the New Hampshire Primary. She is endorsed by the Feminist Majority Political Action Committee.
Daunte Wright would have been well aware of what his chances were at due process in Hennepin County. Daunte Wright certainly heard of Myon Burrell and probably a hundred similar cases.
Let me tell you a little bit more about Daunte Wright’s experience with “The System” in Minnesota.
Daunte Wright’s Dean of Students at Edison high school was George Floyd’s girlfriend, Courteney Ross.

Her previous job was at the Northeast Coffeeshop, where she worked for decades as a barista. During this time she was addicted to drama, and apparently, opioids. The death of both of these men has catalyzed her into her new career as an activist and speaker on addiction and overcoming trauma.
She went from Junkie High School Dean of Students to Activist Superhero and it only took the death of two Black men in her vicinity.
Much news has been made about Wright’s outstanding warrants, multiple lawsuits, and accusations that he now can’t defend himself against. I’m going to apply the Presumption of Innocence Filter to Daunte Wright even though he’s only on trial in the court of public opinion.
Minnesota has been the epicenter of the Marxist Feminist Mind Virus since Minnesota Author Kate Millett released Sexual Politics in 1970. Many Marxist Feminist Legal Scholars have had enormous direct impact on policies in MN, including Andrea Dworkin and Minnesota Native Catherine Mackinnon.
Every state agency in Minnesota, from education to city councils and nonprofits, have employees who openly profess to believe that All Men are socialized into a “Patriarchy” to “Oppress Women” using a “Spectrum of Violence.” These are all professions of faith to the Marxist Feminist Doctrine.
Praxistioners of Minnesota Law Enforcement, Criminal and Family Courts are trained in some variant of the Duluth Model of Power and Control which is literally the Marxist Feminist Praxis.
So let me get this straight, Daunte Wright doesn’t go to court after being accused of harming a woman in Hennepin County? He’s resisting arrest from police trained in Marxist Feminist Praxis to go face a Marxist Feminist Praxis trained prosecutor, a Marxist Feminist Praxis trained judge and if he’s lucky enough to get past the plea deal, he will face a nearly all white jury of Progressives?
A bullet, canonization, and a chance at escape seem like a rational choice for a man in that situation.
Let’s ask a couple of questions that you’d probably like to have asked if you were to find yourself in Mr. Wright’s situation:
~ How do you know the girl accusing Wright of robbing her is telling the truth?
~ When exactly did the mother of the kid who was allegedly paralyzed by a gunshot from Wright name Daunte as the shooter?
~ What evidence is there that these claims are true, beyond a reasonable doubt?
~ What role do you think the likely Brooklyn Center civil suit payout has in this sudden rise in civil suits?
There was a time in America when these would not be unreasonable questions. The rise of identity politics, and specifically the rise of Marxist Feminism has made demonizing men the norm and questioning the motives and actions of women completely taboo.
I don’t know the answer to the above questions, and chances are, neither do you. It may be about time that we start questioning false accusations, trial by public opinion, and the unquestionable role of the Marxist Feminist religion in our culture.