Minnesota is the epicenter of Marxist Feminism; CRT is the least of our worries. Trying to ban CRT is a low-ground maneuver. Inoculating children against it is a high ground maneuver that will make you Governor. Mandating age-appropriate curricula based on Gad Saad’s Parasitic Mind, Scott Adam’s Loserthink, and Charles Pincourt’s Counter Wokecraft will end this disease once and for all.
Copies have been sent to your office.
Dear Governor Jensen,
Nationwide there is a push to ban Critical Race Theory (Marxist Racism) from school curricula. You won’t be surprised to hear that Critical Gender Theory (Marxist Feminism) started on Summit Ave, walking distance from your office at the State Capitol.
Marxist Feminism has been in our schools since I attended Dayton’s Bluff Elementary in the 1970s. It’s very sticky, viral, and endemic.
Critical Theory is not in the curricula, it is spread by the teachers and administrators, and it’s the opposite of critical thinking.
I’m more aware than most of the dangers of grouping children into separate groups of losers and assholes based on immutable characteristics. The George Floyd riots demonstrate why it’s not good for Minnesota, nor is it good for the nation.
Our education crisis has become a national security issue. We must act.
Censoring curricula is the wrong solution. It is an illiberal solution and will not address the root cause: Marxist Feminists and Marxist Racists are political predators who are drawn to children and careers in education.
I propose a different solution to prepare Minnesota’s children for the careers of the future and prevent some of them from burning down the rest of our State in the inevitable event that MPD kills another person of color.
Elon Musk recently tweeted:
To which Scott Adams replied:

In Minnesota, especially within the 494/694 boundary, the bullshit detection failure is closer to 100%. The Twin Cities Echochamber of Commerce is experiencing the worst groupthink since Japan in WWII.
Homogeneity of thought and belief in absolute myth was a major factor in the civil unrest. Much of this was caused by corporate media, as well as moral entrepreneurs spreading Critical Theory at every public and private institution in our state.
Banning Critical Race Theory or Marxist Feminism from schools would be deeply unpopular in Minnesota, and would be as impossible as banning Marxist Racists or Marxist Feminists from the State’s payroll.
I propose instead that you pass an Executive Order as Governor requiring students to pass an age-appropriate version of a curriculum that includes bullshit detection and first principles in order to advance to the next grade.
There are three books that could easily be turned into Teen Readers so Twin Cities’ teachers would be able to read them to students.

- Dr. Gad Saad The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense
- Scott Adams Loserthink: How Untrained Brains Are Ruining America
- Dr. Charles Pincourt with Dr. James Lindsay Counter Wokecraft: A Field Manual for Combatting the Woke in the University and Beyond
Schools who do not reach herd immunity (80%) from this bullshit within your first year in office should lose any State funding or licensure.
Further, every school administrator, every teacher, every parent, and every student could sign a document verifying that they understand the function of the EEOC.
The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and retaliation for reporting, participating in, and/or opposing a discriminatory practice.
Students, Parents and Educators of Color and Girls, should confirm their universal awareness of Affirmative Action in practice and that Minnesota Corporations are DYING to hire qualified candidates. This is a far more motivating story than, “You’re oppressed, will fail, and need to burn down the city because of a White Male Patriarchy.”
This high-ground maneuver is a guaranteed winner on the campaign trail. The cost of an awareness campaign for the EEOC and Affirmative Action are practically nothing. I will raise all of the money necessary to fund teen reader versions of the qualified curricula of the above.
Copies of these books have been sent to your office.
Just say the word.