If You Want to Know Who Is Controlling You…

The official flag of Dumbfuckistan

As long as I’ve been blogging, I’ve pushed community guidelines, tested taboo limits, and brought attention to due process problems in the Minnesota Postmodern Legal System. (MPLS)

I started this blog five years ago with a five-part series warning of a panic that would be coming from Minnesota if Noor did not get a fair trial.

Before any of you heard of George Floyd or Derek Chauvin, I was the only person who publicly complained that Mohamed Noor’s being a classic Minnesota show trial

A lot of people participated in the George Floyd riots, despite all of the diversity training nationwide, I’m the only person to date who’s taken any responsibility.

When everyone was arguing whether or not George Floyd killed himself with fentanyl, I was arguing it was for violating city mask guidelines. Mpls issued a mask mandate the following business day.

This was at a time when criticizing mask mandates was deeply unpopular.

From the beginning, whether writing about the male grossness stereotype through a feminist lens at a men’s rights site, or through publishing an article called “Not All Jews are Hitler!”, Jewel Eldora has been designed to test boundaries, and violate norms and sensibilities.

I have never once spun any conspiracy theories… before today. Today, I was permanently suspended from twitter.

Who You Can Criticize

I’ve published an exhaustive treatise on the grossness of men and laid a solid foundation to argue that feminism is a cognitive illusion (mental illness) masquerading as a religion. I spent a month publishing an article per day calling bullshit on Black History Month, spent weeks writing about Karens, the NWord, two gruesome intersectional murders, and finally, publicly criticizing the Antisemitism Industry and suggesting the Mossad learn to take a joke.

This last series even floated the idea that “Antisemites are Retards.” 

I promoted this article on Twitter for weeks. I also did a quick search for “dumbfuck racist” on Twitter and got thousands of results. 

“Retard” I guess, was okay, and “dumbfuck racist” was apparently okay I guess these terms mean pretty much the same thing.

This morning, as I was explaining to an Antisemite that Antisemites were retards and tried to explaining to her that not all Jews were Hitler, I made a very poor word choice.

When this user complained, I immediately apologized.

Everyone knows I’m not talking about people with Down Syndrome, physical disabilities, mental illness, or head trauma – you’d have to be a dumbfuck to think that way. 

Dumbfucks come in every ability level, socio-economic, race, gender, and sex class. Man-made systemic dumbfuckery is a constant, existential threat to humanity.

Immediately after tweeting this, I searched “Dumb Fuck Community” and it turned out there was NOTHING. It was like it was completely scrubbed from Twitter.

I thought, ‘this can’t be right, I have met so many dumbfucks, it’s inconceivable they don’t have their own community.”

Just then, it dawned on me – you can call someone a racist, sexist, transphobic, Antisemitic, bigot, or Islamophobe without issue. I have also tested and you can criticize Men, Women, Trans, Affirmative Action, Catholics, Blacks, and even “The Jews.”  

You can say retard, and you can say dumbfuck, but for some reason, you can not put them together. Have you ever noticed that? This apology was what got me kicked off of twitter.

They say, “If you want to know who’s controlling you, look at who you can’t criticize.” 

It’s obvious these two groups are influencing one another at a global level, especially in the Climate Change debate.

It’s hard to say who is hypnotizing who, but whether the dumbfucks have been co-opted or the other way around, it’s obvious they are all in on it.

Look at the number of dumbfucks in Congress. How about the CEO of your company? Look at how many dumbfucks on Twitter vote against their own interests. Not to mention the dumbfucks in Hollywood. 

Do you think that’s all a coincidence?

I don’t subscribe to a lot of stereotypes, for example, I don’t believe everyone with XY chromosomes is necessarily a man, or that all Black people are Jews. 

I’ve been told these are harmful stereotypes and I respect that, even though it doesn’t make any sense to me.

But I am going to draw the line when it comes to addressing the root cause of the problems in this country. 


There, I said it. Someone had to say it, we’ve really got to talk about the worst elements within the Dumbfuck Community.  

It’s become important enough to break the silence, regardless of the risk to myself or my family. I was suspended from twitter. I have appealed but obviously understand Elon must do whatever he believes is the best decision for the good of the country.

My mother always told me that my father was a dumbfuck this makes me at least half dumbfuck, so I can’t be dumbfuckophobic.

This is why I have to be the one to speak out.

Criticize all you want, I’ve heard it all before… somehow, I’m the real dumbfucksupremacist or some kind of Dumbfuckistan Nationalist or a Self Hating Dumbfuck. Got it, I’ve been called it before, I’m literally like Hitler. I don’t care, it has to be said, and as a member of the Dumbfuck Community, I’m telling you.

There is a global conspiracy of dumbfucks. They are in charge of everything, and everyone is like that. Every. Single. One. 

They are all in on it.

Happy Thanksgiving.