Not All Jews are Hitler

AI Generated Art for prompt Historical Nazism

Kanye’ West asks “Who started cancel culture?” 

Anyone knowledgeable about the Rise of the Third Reich understands that Adolph Hitler was greatly influenced Karl Marx and his followers.

Many German voters, newly alerted about class disparities, became prompted to filling in gaps in their understandings with narratives and anti-Jewish sentiments provided by the government run media.

Karl Marx’s father was a Rabbi who converted to Lutheranism for financial reasons. Hitler and Mussolini were both well versed in Marx.  

Was Marx a Jew? That question is up for debate. Were Hitler or Mussolini Jews? No. Was Friedrich Engles a Jew?  I don’t think so.

Three Jews who were decidedly influenced by Marx and Hitler were social scientists Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse, of the Frankfurt School.

Like Hitler, Goebbels, and the rest of the Nazi Party, Horkheimer, Adorno, and Marcuse criticized Marx for focusing too much on economic theory.  

They were obsessed with putting a Marxist lens on race, ethnicity, and gender, and deemphasizing class aimed at a slow takeover of the culture. This eventually morphed into a set of beliefs totalitarian beliefs about language creating the world and policing that language.

For years, many people criticizing the Frankfurt School feared being called Antisemites, in the same way that critics of Intersectional Feminism feared being called anti-woman, misogynist, racist, Islamophobic, racist, transphobic, fat-phobic, etc.

While many people at any of those intersections could arguably choose to become Jewish, adding yet another victim or oppressor identity, there’s nothing uniquely Jewish about any of them. 

Saul Alinsky was also a Jew. Alinksy’s mostly peaceful protest techniques outlined in Rules for Radicals highlight techniques that are pervasive through today’s intersectional activism.

Many of these activists who use these techniques have never even heard of Saul Alinsky, let alone have read his book, knew who he was, or cared that he was Jewish. The techniques for riling up activists have been passed on from Alinsky, to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

While Alinsky was a Jew, his most destructive followers were certainly not Jews.  

The Industrial Areas Foundation (IAF) is a national community organizing network established in 1940 by Saul Alinsky, Roman Catholic Bishop Bernard James Sheil, and businessman, founder of the Chicago Sun-Times, and retail heir, Marshall Field III.

I’d no sooner say that “All Jews are Labor Organizers” anymore than I’d suggest all retail heirs fund Labor Organizers, former Gov. Mark Dayton notwithstanding.  

Target, Dayton’s, Hudson’s, Marshall Fields, and BDalton brands, all associated with the Dayton family, have reliably blocked union activities in their fast, fun, and friendly retail environments.

Gov. Mark Dayton has funded activists in Minnesota, the Koch Brothers have funded activists in Minnesota, and George Soros has funded “Defund the Police” activists in Minnesota.

Not all funders of activists are Jews, nor are all funders of activist organizers Marxists.

Similarly, not all Jews or Marxists have Dark Triad Personality disorders, victim mentality, or other mental disorders. In fact, it’s less than 5% of Jews willing to exploit empathy and abuse others.

5% is a pretty consistent percentage across all human populations. 

That said, those with mental illness issues will ruin a reputation for others and can destroy lives around them, especially if they’re not condemned.

A recent CNN article suggests that sources close to Kanye said that he admired Hitler and had read Mein Kampf. Kanye also said that Black people were Jews.

Just a reminder that like Kanye, every member of the Frankfurt School had read Mein Kampf and was influenced by it.  

That certainly doesn’t mean that all Jews are Hitler.