The Pirate and the Vampire

Vampire and Pirate Sex Symbols

“The market is the last batter” Warren Buffett

50 Shades of Grey has sold more than 150 million copies worldwide, been translated into 52 languages and set a record in the United Kingdom as the fastest-selling paperback of all time.

Pirates and Vampires

In 2011, two computational neuroscientists, Ogi Ogas, Sai Gaddam released A Billion Wicked Thoughts and initiated a revolution in the taboo scientific study of sexual attraction.

Rather than rely on direct self reporting, gender theorists or 13 year old boys for information about how sexual selection works, Ogas and Gaddam analyzed massive amounts of web searches. 

What they discovered was that while men tend to search for more visual stimulus, Women tend to prefer “Beauty and the Beast” narratives (Vampire, Werewolf, Billionaire, Pirate, Surgeon, Doctor, Cowboy, Boss, Prince, Rancher, Knight, King, Bodyguard, Sheriff.)

While females select males on a very complex and dynamic set of traits and variables, these traits tend to center around survival skills, risk taking, resource indicators, willingness and capability for providing complexity management and boundary maintenance.

The searches indicate highly agentic, risk taking archetypes, powerful men that are somewhat dangerous that can be tamed by the virtuous woman. 

I illustrated a book on the science of mate selection over ten years ago. The research I did for that book opened some troubling insights into human nature. I wanted to research and publish those insights first before publishing that book.  

It’s taken nearly 10 years to find the research that comprises ASCHITI Model of Gender Perception

These topics are taboo for any number of reasons as are many aspects of human behavior.  I never thought celebrity gossip would offer a format to do so.

The Pirate, Pistol and Boo

I don’t usually pay much attention to celebrities. While I’ve worked as a TV producer, I’ve never owned a television and need constant academic stimulation. I can barely watch a movie, let alone read articles about people who lie in movies, for a living.

But I do have a habit of watching for moral panics spreading across Australia. 

I write about the moral panics that start in my home state of Minnesota and spread through the Anglosphere. Australia, like the United Kingdom, has a lot of moral panics spread through them in part, because they are island nations. 

In 2015, after being repeatedly told to register her dogs before bringing them to Australia, Amber Heard decided she was going to do whatever she wanted.  

If you know about the spread of invasive species in Australia and how protective Australians are about their environment, YOU DON’T FUCK AROUND WITH THE AUSTRALIAN DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OR THEIR BIOSECURITY PROTOCOLS. 

Don’t do it.  They are not fucking around about unregistered Flora and Fauna.

Amber Heard’s dogs landed in Australia and Johnny Depp who was there for work had to urgently solve his wife’s legal trouble or end up embroiled in her scandal.

When I heard about this story, it immediately sounded like a shit test

She was setting up Johnny Depp to solve for complexity management and boundary maintenance, under pressure. She could then assess how he would set boundaries, manage her problems, emotions and the surrounding threats in later incidents.

At the time, I looked at how old she was and how long they’d been together.  

Usually, shit testing happens in the first 90 days of a healthy adult relationship. Heard was in her late 20’s, they had been together for nearly three years… and this was a major shit test.

At that age and that stage in a relationship a test of this magnitude is a red flag that comes with its own set of other red flags.

Was her movie star husband apparently supposed to beat up the entire Australian Border Force to keep her terriers from being shipped back to the US or euthanized down under?

It later came out in court she’d apparently been told multiple times to register her dogs. 

Of course she had, any traveling adult knows this. If you’re not told by a travel agent or a personal assistant you will be told by Customs and Border Agents, repeatedly. 

This was a manufactured crisis.

Without knowing anything about their relationship, I knew from years of research, if she was doing this 3 years into their relationship, she likely pulled this kind of stuff all the time.

This is very well understood evolutionary behavior (we want to test how men perform) and it’s very taboo to suggest that Women do this.

It’s even more taboo to suggest this behavior is a major driver in domestic violence, especially to researchers more interested in data than dogma. When I later heard “Johnny Depp was an abuser!” it didn’t seem unreasonable to me that he was being set up.  

Here’s a video of Johnny Depp being humiliated because he looks like an idiot. Notice Amber Heard looking visibly aroused. Some Women get off on causing this type of humiliation, it’s well understood and no one talks about it. 

Video Courtesy: Australian Govt. Dept. of Agriculture. Humiliation Courtesy: Amber Heard’s Shit Test.

The Vampire vs Ink By the Barrel

Far from being “revolutionary” the #MeToo movement revealed the casting couch to the world. No adult in the last 100 years was unaware of the existence of the casting couch.

Like election fraud, it’s the kind of thing everyone collectively pretends doesn’t exist most of the time.  

There’s not a rich man or a famous man, especially in the entertainment industry, who’s not been ‘credibly accused’ of sexual assault. 

That’s not really The Big Secret. The Big Secret is just how often some Women lie and/or literally imagine scenarios of being abused by rich and/or famous men. More taboo is that those fantasies are often so vivid and realistic that when women describe the abuse they’ve imagined they experienced, they come off as completely credible.

Again, this is a very small percentage of Women in total, but when the man is rich and/or famous it’s just a matter of time before someone will imagine they were raped by him.  

I’ve previously written an article about two such famous men who were ‘credibly accused’ by Women they’ve verifiably never met. 

There are any number of reasons we don’t talk about this disturbing, unsettling reality, but mostly, it’s bad PR.

Speaking of bad PR: #MarilynMansonIsAnAbuser is trending.

Whenever you see 20 mainstream news articles all come out within a few hours of one another, it’s a hit job.

Those writers and editors have been selected, primed, groomed and prepped for weeks they knew this story was coming.

The only exceptions are when the story is a press release from a Federal Agency or a Pharmaceutical Company.  These organizations pay big money for the media to respond in lockstep to their messaging.

Every non-government, non-drug company or non-war, story published all at once in mainstream news is the result of a coordinated media campaign. 

Nearly 100% of the time, you can find sentences and verbiage lifted directly out of the press release. “Credibly Accused” is a common, legally defensible buzz-term.

Other things you will tend to find in national stories are a handful of narrative patterns:

  • Climate Change is worse today than yesterday
  • Risk from some nebulous threat
  • *Woman or child harmed by a man
  • *Black person harmed by a white person
  • Corporation (usually a competitor of an advertiser) harming everyone
  • The Pope condemns violence

5/5 times if it conforms to one of these narrative patterns, you’re being manipulated. This is particularly true with the reasons marked *.  The mechanism being exploited is called moral typecasting.

Men are perceived as stereotypical perpetrators of harm; Women, patients deserving and care.

Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp are wealthy, powerful men. They have been typecast as a Vampire and a Pirate. They are perceived as highly agentic.

While Amber Heard and Evan Rachel Wood are both completely unique in every way. They are perceived as “stereotypical patients deserving of care” and stories about them being harmed by a Pirate or Vampire excite clicks.

These stereotypes are often viciously protected by Women who benefit from them.

Both situations had an army of motivated cohorts to validate, spread and enhance this harm story. That story brought them benefit while destroying the income and reputation of the Pirate and the Vampire.

Who cares? They are no longer of use to them. This is a very common pattern in break ups, divorce and in family court where custody or financial matters are concerned. Or in instances when the man breaks up with the Woman for behavior she’d rather people not know about.

Amber Heard has been raked over coals by many such Women who are very upset that she got caught.

The Billionaire And His Wife, the Movie Star, the Professor and Grimes

Most engineers assume people are telling the truth. It’s not that they’re stupid, quite the contrary, they understand the truth is in everyone’s best interest and most assume people are behaving rationally.

Quick Gut Test – Read the Following Sentences

Every Woman who starts out a relationship telling a story about her abusive ex husband, boyfriend or father should be met with tremendous skepticism. Any Woman who ends a relationship claiming to be a “survivor” should be met with the same skepticism. Women falsely accusing men should receive criminal penalties. 

Reread those sentences and see how they make you feel; Do they make you uncomfortable? 

Do they make you assume the author is misguided? Immoral? Dislikes women? Condones abuse?

A majority of people will feel something akin to that. A small minority will express outrage, moral indignation and treat this as a taboo violation. Some people in that latter group will attempt to undermine the author’s reputation and relationships via gossip, innuendo, misrepresentation and false accusation.

How DARE you?!

Men and Women alike exhibit these patterns of female pattern aggression, especially online and no one wants to be on the receiving end of one of these campaigns. So we don’t tell the truth and we don’t warn others.

Amber Heard later broke up with Johnny Depp and began a relationship with Elon Musk.  

Evolutionary biologists might consider whatever Heard is doing to be an effective mating strategy except her “successful relationships with men and women” have yielded only one child, born by a surrogate mother.

It’s absolutely impossible to imagine any other possible motivation a woman might have in navigating the complicated schedules and personalities of men like Depp and Musk.  

It is, however, understandable why a man like Musk might defend Amber Heard’s reputation over protecting Depp’s reputation.

Sometimes Women like Amber will triangulate between two partners to create a drama triangle, to test each one against one another and further extract resources.  

This process is accomplished by treating one as an Idealized person and the other as a Devalued person, then switching them out.

“Oh Johnny, please take me back, Elon is a monster who abuses me!”

“Oh Elon, please take me back, Johnny is a monster who abuses me!”

I don’t know that either of these happened of course, but Amber’s habit of escalating conflict and recording it looks a lot like someone adept at this highly competitive behavior.

Of course, any number of men would love an excuse to protect a hypothetical Amber Heard, and any number of women entertain fantasies of being “abused” by a Pirate, a Vampire or Billionaire.  

All of the behaviors in this article are very common and very well understood.

Dr. Tania Reynolds researches the taboos associated with everything I’ve written about in this article.  She prefers data rather than dogma and the measurable truth over Gender Theory.  

If I had a vote, she’d be Elon Musk’s next girlfriend and they would have adorable children. 

Also, the research she could do with the funding available might save the world.