Silence is Violence

AI Generated Art from prompt Judge overlooking the city of minneapolis

Dear Mayor Frey,

Today is the one-year anniversary of Hennepin County District Court Judge Kathryn Quaintance’s second public statement on questions the jurors in the Mohamed Noor trial had about policing in Minneapolis. Her first statement was 2 1/2 years before that.

So far, no one in Minneapolis City government has seen fit to answer those questions. Your office has given me a smorgasbord of reasons for not responding to Judge Quaintance: We’ve answered the questions in a variety of documents; the questions are too old; to answer them would require getting into the minds of Minneapolis police officers. Those are false or absurd reasons. You know it, I know it, and anyone who has read Judge Quaintance’s remarks knows it.

No City official has shown the Judge or the jurors in that trial the slightest respect. Telling them to mind their own business would show them more respect than you, the Council, or the MPD has shown them over these past 3 1/2 years.

This is beyond mind-boggling. Sorry for repeating myself, but I’ve obviously run out of adjectives to describe your silence.


Chuck Turchick

Ward 6