Shield and a Weapon

Woman holding up a skull with flames

Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard is a modern-day witch trial.  Thousands, if not tens of thousands of people, mostly women, but aided by men, are screaming on social media for Amber Heard to be punished.

Fewer, but some, are calling for Amber Heard’s “Flying Monkeys”, “Shit Stains”, “Amberherds”, and “Heardistans” to be punished as well.

Look at all of the female Johnny Depp supporters looking to make Depp out to be a victim.  

They are demanding anyone following Stirgussa, Eve Barlow, MiraJYonce, or Elon Musk be blocked, lest their opinions, thoughts, or perspectives be heard.

These “Queen Bees” will misrepresent, derail, and emotionally escalate, in mobs if necessary, to diminish the reputation of anyone who tries suggesting that Johnny Depp had Agency or Choice.

The MDEER Model represents this pattern of female aggression and emotional exploitation:  Misrepresent, Derail, Emotionally Escalate, Repeat.

Before I became blocked by these “Queen Bees” for challenging Mr. Depp’s victimhood status, I would predict what they would do next. This earned me some secret fans among Depp supporters who were not Queen Bees.

The Queen Bees were “survivors” and therefore had the moral authority to determine reality and control the dialogue for others. Moral typecasting a man, or anyone they believe disagrees with them as a “perpetrator,” then claiming they speak for all women who are victims.

“How DARE you ask what Amber Heard’s defense was going to be?!”  “Are you sticking up for an ABUSER?” “Are you saying it’s HIS fault?!” These are the things they would say to innocuous questions, asked in good faith.  

“There IS no defense, she’s an ABUSER!” “There is NO SUCH THING as mutual abuse,” read hundreds of histrionic, irrational, completely incorrect, and misleading tweets.

This type of cry-bullying, using victimhood, proxy victimhood, and victim sanctity, has been used as a Shield-Javelin-Weapon (SJW) to control conversations about women’s and racial issues for decades.

What’s curious is that this is the first time I’ve ever seen these tactics used to support a self-professed, privileged, white man before.

The conflict theory that underlies these narratives is precisely the same: Frame the target as an “oppressed” “victim” or “survivor,” as if they’d escaped Auschwitz-Birkenau or lived through breast cancer.

The victim class can then treat anyone who disagrees with their preferred narrative as a moral pervert for disagreeing with them.  Anyone who just wants to get along will then go along with irrational, illogical, and even pathological viewpoints.

Yes, MDEER is the answer to avoid the flying monkeys who will invariably hog pile blasphemers.

Once again, I’m going to make the statement that drew the histrionic caterwauling of so many of these Queen Bees last year,  “Amber Heard’s actions are understandable because they are so common.”

Not only are Amber Heard’s actions common, they are also nearly universal among women her age.

Hollywood is FULL of highly competitive women. They seek high-status men and are rewarded for playing the victim role. By contrast, women like Nicki Clyne receive social punishments for taking command of their own lives.

Everywhere is culturally downstream from Hollywood. 

To understand Amber Heard’s conflict escalation tactics, look at the steady drumbeat of Conflict Theory driving young women her age to hysteria, destroying their relationships over this very same time period.

Her entire life, she’s received a steady diet of poisonous ideas that her cartoon cowboy of a dad is part of an oppressive patriarchy that uses a spectrum of violence to hold her back.

If any man explains something, he is degrading and humiliating her.

Anytime he dares to say something she’s not sure about, he’s micro-aggressing.

A man relaxing on an 8’ couch is oppressing her.

Her husband or partner was bred, born, conditioned, and rewarded for raping her and ALL women.

If he tells her he loves her and that men only want the best for the women in their lives, he’s sticking up for rapists EVERYWHERE!

And if they tell anyone they’re being raped or abused, no one will believe them.

He can’t take the abuse anymore?  Well, that’s just his male fragility.

How are women her age supposed to respond to this steady assault of grievances?

Of course, in circles of oppressed young women, passing Johnny Depp’s rockstar dope around in downtown condos, downing perfect bottle of whine after perfect bottle of whine from Johnny Depp’s private reserve, they can all easily convince each other how oppressive their lives are in Hollywood.

They’ll cry from their platforms, from the Oscars, and on daytime TV, “#MeToo!  #MeToo! #MeToo!”

And every woman that age will cry in unison, and destroy the lives of innocent men that they have been led to believe have done them wrong.

Then, there’s D.A.R.V.O. (Deny, Attack, Reverse, Victim, Offender) – a classic magic trick every little girl learns in the sandbox to abuse others and deflect personal responsibility.

There’s a reason Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard is a modern-day witch trial.

Because Amber Heard is a fucking witch!

So are each of her flying monkeys.

These are their magic words and DARVO, their most powerful magic trick.

Watch out for them when the shit stains and all the women under the same victimhood spell, in all the catty circles, do what witches do during the Defense case. 

They weaponize women to spread poison and destroy other women, men, and children.

I hope you’ll tune in to our daily NCFM Women Against False Allegations podcast of the trial.