Scott Adams and White Men Lying About Affirmative Action

AI Generated art from the prompt Dilbert Affirmative Action

Since Kanye West’s tweet, made just hours before Sukkot, I’ve made more Jewish friends online than any time I can remember. I’ve also felt freer to comment about things I would have otherwise never contributed.

Time will tell if Kanye’s tweet was a good thing or a bad thing for actual Jewish people.

My typical aim is to be helpful in the big picture by looking at really difficult, disturbing, taboo topics and handling them with some humor.  My hope is that the reader leaves my article feeling freer to speak and be “wrong” on the given topic.

I can’t read Scott Adam’s mind, but regardless of his intention, today, he made room for millions of men to stop lying about Affirmative Action.


A recent study showed that 33% of white college applicants lied about their race to get into College. 50% of white men lied about their race to get into college. This might explain the general corruption of our political, media, corporate and educational institutions.

We are actively encouraging the majority of college applicants to lie.

Once they get into the workplace, it’s demanded.  Corporations set quotas and incentive structures based on a plan which they have filed with State and Federal Governments.  

I don’t know if Affirmative Action, college admission preferences, HBCUs, and race/sex-based government spending have an actual Constitutional exemption, but it’s definitely the law of the land.

It’s well understood but rarely discussed, because 33% of white college applicants are liars. Further, they’re liars who are willing to lie on a legal document for personal advantage.

They’d certainly lie when asked, “If a Black man submitted an application, would he be 100% more likely to be hired than an equally qualified white man?”

I’ve run this experiment 100’s of times in Minnesota and then, like clockwork, I watch people lie.  I watch the way they lie. I watch for the similarities in the way that they lie.  

The techniques.

The phrases.

The Applied Histrionics.

The smug expressions.

The self-satisfaction.

The elevation of Their status by derogating yours.

In the cartoon, The Boss is exactly what we call Minnesota Nice.

Others call it Political Correctness, Social Justice Warrioring, and more recently, the Woke_Mind_Virus

Take a look at Dilbert’s face. What do you think he’s feeling at that moment?

It’s hard to say, as white men can be notoriously difficult to read in these situations. And as it turns out, half of them who apply to college are straight-up liars.

I can’t find any record of a white person facing charges or being fired or kicked out of school for this obvious fraud, which makes me wonder how many white people have successfully gamed this system while women and Black children have never even heard of it.

It’s time we change that.

We’ve cleared a path right through racial discrimination for women and Black people.

Let’s make sure they all know what rights they’ve had under the law of the land for over 50 years.  

This is like an opportunity for a modern-day Juneteenth.