How do we make sure the next generation of women and Black children take advantage of Affirmative Action if we don’t actually understand it?
I’d like to see every Black child and woman in the world take advantage of the United States Affirmative Action regulation, within the next generation.
While many foreign born children of color and women are well-educated about the benefits afforded to them by US Affirmative Action law, the US Govt. has done an exceptionally poor job communicating success strategies for Americans to use this important benefit.
The US has also done a bad job at educating US born Women and minorities of the opportunities created by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, generally.
It seems as though only white men are familiar with Affirmative Action.
Ida Bae Wells
Recently, Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams was surprised to find many highly educated Black intellectuals have never heard of Affirmative Action in practice.
For example, noted Black historian Ida Bae Wells of the 1619 Project called Adams a liar after he publicly stated that two of his bosses in the 90’s told him he wouldn’t be promoted because of being white and male.
Wells claimed Adams was lying because it would be illegal for his bosses to tell him that.
She is correct, it would be illegal for a corporation to tell a white male that he would be discriminated against by a corporation’s implementation of Federal Law.
This lack of corporate communication of their explicit policies, under Federal direction of the EEOC, may be one of the reasons we’ve done such a bad job effectively communicating the benefits of Affirmative Action to US women and minority children.
We need to do better.
Ibram X. Kendi
IXK suggested the 34% of white college students who reportedly lie about their race in college applications did so because they falsely believed it benefited them.
Kendi, while seeking a cabinet level Anti Racism position in the White House, had never heard of the benefits of diversity programs for Black children and women students?
I find that difficult to believe.
However, if these two worldly academics, specifically trained in racism, have been unaware of the benefits of Affirmative Action, how could anyone else know?
How do we expect rank and file teachers to develop or spread success strategies for women and Black children when experts are not even aware of what Affirmative Action and the EEOC afford them under the law?
As a society, we must do what we can to ensure Black children and women understand their rights and hear effective strategies to best utilize Affirmative Action and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Join me in Washington, DC on August, 28th of 2023 to celebrate 60 years since the March on Washington ushered in the Civil Rights Era Age, EEOC, and Affirmative Action.
Together, we can bring awareness of the benefits of Affirmative Action to every woman and Black child in the country so not only white men know about how to utilize this important civil rights legislation.