Sam Harris Literally Says the N Word

AI Generated Art based on the prompt - Girls protected, boys violence

“We stopped the video before he slaps her…” reads the 11 Alive News reporter about an incident that generated protests after a blond girl used the N-Word at a basketball game. 

Blond girls using the N-Word is actually a topic I’ve covered in some depth.

Many blond girls live in a pseudo-reality created in the backseats of millions of station wagons and minivans around the country.  

Owwwwwww! He hit me!

Don’t hit your sister.

But she hit me first!

Boys don’t hit girls.

In the ’90s the narrative changed to “no one should be hitting anybody”, which is a great thing for children to believe.  

Video: How We Find Out.

As a near adult, this blond girl found out what most white boys (pron: wyboyz) find out at much younger ages.  

There is no context in which you can say certain words without being directly exposed to violence and derogation, the surrendering of rights of your complete person. 

Take the famous Minneapolis case of Joseph Crowshoe assaulting a now missing Asian man in an effort for him to find out. 

Say the N-Word for the Camera” is not a context that makes men safe from assault with a deadly weapon. Anyone in local law enforcement of the Hennepin County Prosecutor’s Office would see this video evidence and say, “What?  He found out. What did you think was going to happen?” 

No charges were ever filed in this case. 

The blond girl on 11 Alive was slapped across the face by a member of the Boy’s Basketball team and a hysterical mob demanded she be ostracized, expelled, and prevented from attending college.

No one was outraged that she was slapped by a basketball player twice her size.

Joe Rogan found out there was no context he could say a certain word without finding out. 

A compilation of Joe Rogan using this word in every context one might mistakenly think he might exercise, nearly cost him a million dollars. 

He offered a world-class apology according to experts. Joe Rogan found out.

In a sharp critique of Rogan’s unequivocal apology, Sam Harris pointed out that American Hysteria around the use of the N-Word was pathological. He admonished us and told us we needed to get over our hysteria.

Harris has also publicly shared his horror with Black people cheering OJ Simpson like a hero for beating First Degree Murder Charges.  

In Minnesota, at the time, publicly suggesting OJ might have done it, was racist. 

It would have cost your position, or worse, open the door for you to find out.

Image: Sticker posted around poor white neighborhoods in Mpls by a local terror network.

The social and physical coercion of a society using political correctness and identity isn’t just a cerebral game.  There’s physical enforcement of political correctness in Minnesota to back up the canceling.  They mostly limit it to boys, but when it’s blond girls who are finding out, it goes viral and makes the news.

Curiously, OJ and Kanye alike faced the same Family and Medical Cartel as Greg Ellis and had their children taken from them. In OJ’s case, they gave OJ’s children to a coke-addicted waitress and her waiter boyfriend Ron Goldman.

By they, I mean the State of California, the Press, and the Political Establishment.

The Year of the Woman! Remember?

Let’s go with Sam’s hypothesis and the DNA evidence and OJ’s book If He Had Done It.

The State of California’s theory of the case was that Ron Goldman found out.