Red SUV vs. The State of Wisconsin

AI generated artwork using the prompt Red SUV in Wisconsin

Last year, the media tried to convince you the Waukesha Christmas Parade Attack as it’s called on Wikipedia, was perpetrated by a Red SUV.

Others explained it as perpetrated by white supremacy, white nationalism, white privilege, white fragility, or climate change. The media tried over and over to make this case about something other than Darrell Brooks Jr.

Darrell Brooks Jr. has been granted his right to represent himself and the media has been remarkably silent on the topic.

Perhaps it’s because Darrell Brooks Jr. has other plans. He’s going to make sure you know this whole situation is about him.

The State of Wisconsin shares this theory, of course.  

Wisconsin suggests Darrell Brooks ran over several dancing grandmothers at a Christmas Parade because of his religious beliefs. 

Now the media won’t call them religious beliefs, the State won’t call them religious beliefs and most of the public won’t recognize them as religious beliefs.

If it quacks, walks, and runs over dancing grandmothers in a parade to get your attention like a duck…

I have no idea what Darrell Brook’s defense is going to be. Following the Waukesha Christmas Parade Attack I listened to Brook’s rap lyrics.  

My guess is he’s heard of the work Dr. Kimberle’ Williams Crenshaw which was done only an hours drive away in Madison.

I think if we learn anything about Darrell Brook’s beliefs, it’s not that they will be outrageous but that many of them will be rather mainstream.

Brooks will argue against the evidence that he is not responsible. 

Those, like Brooks, who believe in white supremacy, white nationalism, white privilege, white fragility, or climate change want attention for their ideas.  

It’s time we give them some.