Dr. Lee Jussim maintains a list he calls the Orwellexicon for bias and dysfunction in Academia. It’s a great example of satire being used to identify the groupthink in a domain, jurisdiction or discipline and the problems it creates.
I submit my ongoing list to him if he wants to use any of those and/or link to this page which I’ll update as part of my ongoing series on Computational Humor.
Humor can help define what’s true, by cutting through group bull shit and illuminating paths to enlightenment.
Anti Violent Idiot Society: We don’t care who started it.
Antifa: Mpls Terror Network formerly Known as Anti Racist Action
Antifablindness: An inability to see Communists anywhere
Antifablindness: The first rule of Antifa is that we’re all Antifa. The second is that we’re all good.
ASCHGrievance Industry (AI)
ASCHOle’s (ASCH Ole’): Sven goes to Ole’ hey Ole’, yer knee is on my neck. Ole’ says to Sven hey Sven, yer tripping me with yer neck and I’m in charge here.
ASCHysteria: Outrage resulting from luxury progressive beliefs interacting with reality.
Ass Hair as a Social Construct: Foundational work by Jewel Eldora that proposes that men are gross.
ASCHITI Model of Humor: Automated Stereotypical Computational Humor Intersectional Taboo Index
#BLM: Burns Like Minneapolis, see also:
Burnsville, Like Minneapolis: No, that was a white suspect in a shootout with police.
CASHH: Computer Aided Stereotype Humor/Heuristics
Chauvinism: Belief that even a cis, white, male-chauvinist pig deserves support for due process.
Coincidence Theorist: Just a coincidence, There’s no connection between Anti Racist Action and Anti Fascist Action unless you’re some kind of racist fascist.
Commonsensocrat: Believes good things are good and bad things are bad.
Corporateharemophobia: Irrational fear of female job and recruiting programs.
Critical Bitch Theory: A method for organizing female pattern aggression into political movements.
Denialistiaphobia: Look, if you can’t see it that’s just evidence of your Denialistaphobia.
Dunning Krueger Crowd Effect: Acting like Officer Derek Chauvin , Attorney General Keith Ellison, or Mayor Jacob Frey in front of yelling crowds you’re pretending don’t affect you.
EchoChamber of Commerce: A group of business, government or academic organization in a specific city. Ie the Twin Cities Echochamber of Commerce
Groupthink Tank: A circle jerk doing the work!
Gulagophobia: Seeing Communists everywhere
Istaphobia: Everything
Lake Wobegon Affective Disorder: Groupthink, DIE Religion
Lake Wobegon Effect: Intersectional Illusory Superiority Distortion
Lake Wokebogia: de Maka Ska, the Lake on Stolen Land, see Purple Rain, it’s literally the lake that isn’t Lake Minnetonka.
Lake Wokebonians: Exhibit a religious dedication to stereotype falsity
LakeQAnon Code: aka Little House on the Lake Wobegon Code, Lake
Lake Wobegon Code: It’s a Bible Code describing the pathway to a Progresservative Utopia by connecting dots made up from Little House on the Prairie, Prairie Home Companion, Wizard of Oz.
Lake Wobegon Virus: A Book by Garrison Keillor about hysteria in Lake Wobegon.
Life: Systemic Grievance Generator
MAAH!: Micro Agressions Against Humanity
MN Chicom Progresservative Party: Red Wings want to disadvantage BIPOC men, because they have it too good. The Blue Wing wants to disadvantage white men, because they have it too good.
MN Statefairhysteria: Twin Cities Media Blackout (see: Echochamber of Commerce)
MN Twinshysteria: Systemic Racism | Sewerclownophobia
Progresservatives: When the Marxist Feminists and the Neocons work with the other side to get things done.
Rapism: the belief system that supports colonialism, patriarchy, and resists police reform and peaceful protests.
Self Esteemopathia: Self esteem is good. Bad esteem is bad.
Systemicistaphobia: Everywhere all the time.
Stereotype Accuracy Resistance Syndrome: See Minnesota Nice.
Tazerdronophobia: Irrational fear of mechanized policing
Transhypergamous: Self explanatory | complicated
Utopiate Addiction: See Nazi Germany | Every Communist Country
Utopiates: Any slogan or heuristics that signal moral superiority.
Woke-B-Gone Database: MN Post Modern Legal System to Outrage Pipeline + Human Grossness Database. From Justine Damond, George Floyd, Mr. Wright and Mrs. Potter.