Michael Byrd, Mohamed Noor, and the War on All Men

Ashli Babbitt and Justine Damond

After years of anti-government political protests and reports of cops being ambushed, a woman runs up to an armed police officer and is shot and killed.

After hours of anti-government political protests and reports of cops being ambushed, a woman runs up to an armed police officer and is shot and killed.

Do you feel differently if I tell you the woman was white?

Do you feel differently if I tell you the cop was Black?

What if I tell you the cop was a Somali Muslim?

What if I tell you the neighborhood was low crime?

What if I tell you she was wearing a Pink Australia Hoodie?

What if I tell you she was wearing a Red MAGA hat?

What if I tell you both jurisdictions were under orange alert for domestic terrorism?

What if I told you each jurisdiction considered this a justified shooting if it were a man rushing a police officer?

Mohamed Noor was the first police officer ever charged or convicted of murder by a Minnesota jury.  Michael Byrd has never been charged.