Grossness in Human Relations

Grossness in Human Relations

The ASCHITI Technology for Humans turned 50 years old in 2020. It  is a system for exploiting the human biochemical, emotional, social, digital network. 

The Drug War Surveillance Police State following Nixon’s return from China

It’s been nearly 50 years since Nixon came home with ASCHITI Technology for Humans from China.

It’s difficult to say if it was the US or China where the “Anti-Social Computer Heuristic-Injustice Teamplayer Improvers” (ASCHITI) were first introduced.  What is certain is that contempt and outrage are conspicuous features of modern society, being driven by our overload of communications.

Increased Mass Incarceration is a symptom of a society’s stress level.

ASCHITI Technology can be understood from the work of Alvin Toffler, Masahiro Mori, Kate Millett, and Saul Alinsky and explain how this feedback loop of disgust and outrage is destroying us.

Alvin Toffler, in Future Shock describes communications technology as giving us “too much change in too short a period of time”. Masahiro Mori at the University of Tokyo described the Uncanny Valley hypothesis which predicts that an entity appearing almost human will risk eliciting cold, eerie feelings in viewers.

Minnesota Marxist Millett

Kate Millett interjected sex into politics in Sexual Politics in 1970. In it, she introduced Patriarchy Theory: oppressor men oppressing women and gender as a social construct. 

Also in 1970, Saul Alinsky introduced Rules for Radicals, the Chicago mob-boss political techniques of Donald Trump, to armies of activists of color at the end of the Civil Rights era.

Millett also connected groups of women with her appearances and readings of her novel, “The Basement” which is a look inside the mind of imagining a world filled with evil Men who only want women for rape and babies, and they will chain you up and rape you to death in some dingy basement.

Not only did Millett put “Marxism in the Women’s Movement” she was the first genuine attempt in the history of the species to organize everyone born with ovaries into a single, worldwide, cohesive political group.

I speculate she did this as the Index Case of a genuine conversion disorder, and refined this with the aim of “Ending war by uniting and empowering women”.  

I aim to prove that Kate, in addition to being deeply disturbed, was also an incredibly gifted social engineer with a great and terrible insight into human perception, taboos, and bias. I also aim to prove that she engineered this collective hysteria to make us self aware as a species being driven by the explicit and altruistic aim to end war. 

Patriarchy Theory specifically exploits the cross cultural bias explained in Dr. Tania Reynolds’ discovery that men are globally perceived as Stereotypical Perpetrators of Harm, and Women as harmed patients deserving of care. Dr. Reynolds’ research found that this bias was cross-cultural, across several tests.

Stress and Mass Incarceration

Humans are cognitive misers and take mental shortcuts that feel right.  

Like any bias, this gets far worse under stress. 

Stress replaces deliberation with intuition. 

Minnesota has more mosquitoes and mosques and people from countries decimated from mosquitos and mosques in the world. 92% of Minnesotans mistake the mosquito as the Minnesota State Bird when polled. 8% are from countries where mosquito-borne illness accounts for the top disease deaths.

Add to this the unseen impacts of parasite stress on populations, which include and are not limited to increased racism, bias, and child endangerment, demands for punishment, derogation of out-groups, and increasingly authoritarian government.

Minnesota Natives laugh about mosquitos and unpredictable weather, it’s what we do. We also have an uncanny means of chopping up humans in what I call the Minnesota Meatgrinder of Willful Ignorance.

The panic caused by the ASCHITI tech is polarizing us and grossing us out, causing distortions that erode due process – The Minnesota brand of due process on full display in the arrest of George Floyd.

Next Up: Mosquitos, Marx, and Millett

A Case for The Biophobic Marx Hysteria from Stearns County, Minnesota.

This is part II of a series on Human Grossness and the Biophobic Marx Hysteria from Stearns County, Minnesota Swamps.

This series is based on the research of  Dr. Tania Reynolds, the writings of Dr. Gad Saad and 80 years of the combined independent field observations of Mallory Millett and Jewel Eldora.  

From Prohibition to George Floyd, there is something in the water in Minnesota. Millett, Mosquitos and Marx.

Reference Materials:

Mallory Millett [1]

Kate Millett [1][2][3][4]

Tania Reynolds [1][2]

Gad Saad Consuming Instinct ; Parasitic Mind

Scott Adams 2/6 Rule of Humor may save us all.