Speaking at the 1948 Democratic Convention, Hubert Humphrey, the DFL outgoing Mayor of Minneapolis, set the Democratic agenda for Affirmative Action and Desegregation. The Minneapolis Fire Department and Police Departments were both still completely segregated well into the sixties.
In 1964, Senator Humphrey said of Affirmative Action, “Contrary to the allegations of some opponents of this title, there is nothing in it that will give any power to the (Equal Employment Opportunity) Commission or to any court to require hiring, firing, or promotion of employees in order to meet a racial ‘quota’ or to achieve a certain racial balance. In fact, the very opposite is true. Title VII prohibits discrimination. In effect, it says that race, religion, and national origin are not to be used as the basis for hiring and firing. Title VII is designed to encourage hiring on the basis of ability and qualifications, not race or religion.”
In 1968, Gender was added as a category. Quotas, default presumption of discrimination, and histrionic taboo enforcement of unconditional, unquestionable goodness soon followed.
No where is this more true, than within the epicenter of Marxist Feminism, Minnesota.

Kim Potter is 5’3” tall. Her temperament during the traffic stop, after she shot Wright, and her performance on the stand, as well as the men and women on the stand who defended her actions, require us to talk about this uncomfortable reality:
Police Departments with a higher % of female officers have more officer involved killings. (Citation)
Deller and Deller, 2019
“Using a variety of empirical estimators to take into consideration the structure of the distribution of police-caused deaths, we find consistent results that a higher share of female officers is associated with a higher likelihood of police-caused deaths.”
Shouting Firefighter in a Crowded Theater
Feminist hero, Genevieve Hansen, a Minneapolis Firefighter, arrives on the scene of the George Floyd arrest after walking all the way around the scene. Rather than rush in to render aid, Hansen, with no uniform and offering no badge number or credentials other than her word, begins to escalate tensions between the crowd and the arresting officers.
The demarcation of the escalation is immediately after she gets on scene.

Watch Genievieve whip a crowd into a mob which she later blames on someone else here.
- Hansen does not establish rapport with the officers to render aid.
- She doesn’t call 911.
- She doesn’t request medical attention from fire station 17, 3 blocks away.
- She doesn’t get medical supplies from the gas station
- She doesn’t deescalate the situation.
- She testifies that all of this is in her training.
This is her day off so instead she pulls out her camera and starts hysterically yelling, “Bitches,” further agitating the crowd – distracting Thao and any other resources needed to make a safe arrest.

Here she is testifying in her clean, pressed, Minneapolis Fire Department uniform, refusing to answer questions, vocal fry in tow, literally rolling her eyes.
“Your question is not clear because you don’t know my job”, then proceeds to say how she didn’t render aid or follow any of her training.
She becomes argumentative and actually talks back to the Judge when she’s asked to clarify questions asked about emotional state and her testimony.
Trained Marxist Feminist Praxistioners, like Kim Potter and Genevieve Hansen have been telling people for 50 years that “Men have too many rights”.
The erosion of due process and equal treatment under the law hidden behind a wall of taboos.
Merry Christmas, 2021.