DIE-ing in Hopkins

Dean Phillips Recruits at Hopkins High School

The world was shocked in May 2020 when Officer Derek Chauvin choked George Floyd to death in the street for not wearing a mask.

Immediately following the murder, the City of Minneapolis declared racism a Citywide public health emergency, and the State of Minnesota declared racism a Statewide public health emergency

The City and State both instituted mask mandates.

Racism was still so bad that Mpls Suburb Hopkins, Minnesota had to be secretive about their Equity programs. A New Hopkins Principal bravely opened up about the school and its equity program amid the pandemic in a video entitled:

New Hopkins Principals Open Up About School and Equity Amid Pandemic” in August of that year.

So brave.

Hopkins High School serves children from the city of Hopkins, central and eastern parts of Minnetonka, western Edina, northern Eden Prairie, Golden Valley, western St. Louis Park, and southern Plymouth.

Notice how the Minnesota Women and BIPOC people wear masks after getting the message in no uncertain terms from the George Floyd murder.

Representative Dean Phillips visited Hopkins 270 times to groom high schoolers for government work. 

Only white kids showed up and Systemic Racism is clearly to blame.

Systemic Racism and the “the global pandemic of racial injustice” are so bad in Hopkins they had to hire three new Black Indigenous Principals of Color.

Pictured: Eduardo Navidad, Julius Eromosele, Crystal Ballard

Systemic Racism and the Global Pandemic of Racial Injustice are not the only forms of bigotry in Hopkins, Minnesota. 

There’s also Lesbianophobia, Gayphobia, Biphobia, Transphobia, Queerphobia, Intersexphobia, Asexualphobia, and Plusphobia which is why heterosexual Hopkins 6th graders need inclusivity training.

Of course, racism and phobias are not the only health problems heterosexual 6th graders face, which is why one insider shared the following MyHealth Program whose primary services include reproductive health care and education information.

This source, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of repercussions from the Sisterhood of Histrionic Heardistani Hellmongers (SHHH!), revealed,  “[MyHealth program] is heavily used by schools… I remember the school nurses helping teens get birth control behind parents’ back… even helping with abortions… I know it happened… “

There is some hope for the racists, misogynistophobic, unaborted children and families of Hopkins… The Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Team is ensuring that everyone is wearing masks now, even outside. 

This is clearly progress.