Como, C16, Evergreen, and the Red Pill

George Floyd Memorial on Fire

Theo Olson

In early 2016, Theo Olson, a veteran St. Paul, Minnesota special education teacher, did something outrageous.  After years of being told about the school-to-prison pipeline in teacher training, he asked for evidence.  

“How am I directly responsible for kids going to prison? Tell me so I can change it.”

This caused the outrage mob to track down his blog where he’d been writing about the violence, problems, and racial tensions he witnessed in the schools.

Olson, a veteran, Minnesota lefty liberal, and experienced special ed teacher had anonymized the stories and anecdotes to protect individual students’ identities.

The mob was not satisfied.

He had questioned the sacred values and told uncomfortable truths about the same inner-city schools I attended in my youth.   

Confronted with these truths being shared with the public that funds them, the mob demanded his job.

The District Administration, hearing accusations of racism and racist stereotypes, followed the script. Not only was he fired, but he was also effectively blacklisted and can no longer work as a public school teacher in the state.

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

In late 2016, Bill C16 in Canada was the first bill proposed to compel speech in British Common Law. It made misgendering someone a potentially criminal offense. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson at the University of Toronto, an expert on the psychology of the rise of totalitarian and authoritarian governments, saw the unprecedented move to force certain speech as an ideological first step in a potentially pathological and politicized worldview of identity.    

“How dare the Canadian Government try to compel speech?”

He participated in a rally in support of free speech. Counter protestors, seeing the harm in people hearing a counterpoint to their ideology, again, followed the script and cut his microphone.

Peterson has a pretty good set of pipes and began to address the crowd without amplification. This video was taken to show how “angry” the shouting professor was, it went viral specifically because of how reasonable and well-argued his positions were.

Dr. Bret Weinstein

In April 2017, Bret Weinstein, brother of Eric Weinstein was told by a group of people white professors and white students needed to leave campus as a form of performative fealty.  

When he wrote an email to the organizers stating he had an ethical obligation to teach any students in his charge, the script again was followed.  

“How is making people leave campus because of their race the right thing to do?”

The sacred values were questioned and these questions must be silenced. The blasphemer who dared utter them must be treated as a moral pervert and shouted out of his job and society.  

I’m incredibly grateful to videographer Benjamin A. Boyce for his incredible insight and hard work in documenting this event for posterity.

Cassie Jaye

Synopsis of the Red Pill Movie: When a feminist filmmaker sets out to document the mysterious and polarizing world of the Men’s Rights Movement, she begins to question her own beliefs. The Red Pill chronicles Cassie Jaye’s journey exploring an alternate perspective on gender equality, power, and privilege.

This film generated an absolute hysteria around the Anglosphere, especially in Australia where it was billed as anti-Woman hate speech. Protestors tried to ban it and the media and some politicians, again, followed the script and went along with the cancellation.

“Was my outrage and offense at my interview subjects really warranted?”

Derek Chauvin

“Does the 4/20/2020 8th Circuit Court of Appeals use of force decision mean what I think it means?”  

On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, put potentially lethal doses of methamphetamine up his ass (known as “hooping”), was passing fake currency at a minority-owned business, and passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle.  

This is a felony in the state of Minnesota. 

When Officer Derek Chauvin arrived on the scene, two rookie cops were in over their heads with the arrest of a 6 ft. tall athlete in obvious distress.

George Floyd, who’d announced he was Covid positive, was also not wearing a mask. 

Whether you believe Defense Attorney Eric Nelson’s interpretation of George Floyd’s statement “I did too many drugs” or whether you believe the Prosecutor’s interpretation “I didn’t do no drugs” is up to you. Narcan was not administered.

Dispatch issued an ambulance, which took over 10 minutes to arrive, rather than alert EMTs at Fire Station 17 which is less than 3 minutes away. Floyd was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Dr. Andrew Baker, the Hennepin County Coroner performed the autopsy, as is common practice in his office. His colleagues again followed the script and tried to have him removed from office because releasing George Floyd’s toxicology report was “harmful” and “racist.”

Many people were affected by these incidents and moved to follow similar scripts. James Lindsay, John McWhorter, and many others say this is a “new religion.” 

While I believe this looks like a new religion, I agree with Elon Musk who calls it the woke_mind_virus suggesting it is a collective mental illness.

If Mr. Musk and I are correct, not only is he right that this script is an existential threat to Western Civilization, but it’s also likely measurable. 

This is but one of the reasons for this entire blog.