An Open Letter to Dr. Stephen Hicks

pale white statue over a colorful image of the minneapolis skyline

Dr. Hicks,

#MeToo’d Minnesotan, Garrison Keillor, published “Lake Wobegon Virus” in 2020. It’s a “fictional” story about a moral panic in a fictional Minnesota town. Panic ensues when Norwegian Bachelor Farmers sell unpasteurized cheese causing Wobegonians to tell the Truth.

When Truth replaces Wobonics, their passive-aggressive, polite Newspeak, all Hell breaks loose. You call it Post Modern Neo-Marxism, Elon Musk, the Woke_Mind_Virus, we call it MN Nice.

It’s smug, Puritan, class signaling disguised as virtue.

For years, I’ve written about how it catalyzes Moral Panics unfettered behind victim sanctity taboos increasing the police state. Wobegonians blame a host of “Ism’s and Phobias” to cover middle class women’s customized “systems of oppression”, anything to avoid root cause analysis which would reveal their mass hysteria.

Three high profile hysteria-cides have happened since 2016’s Black Lives Matter panic caused the death of Diamond Reynolds’ boyfriend, Philando Castile. 

Reynold’s histrionic caterwauling during a routine traffic stop made her internet famous after live streaming Castile’s death to Facebook. 

Reynolds, who was convinced Blacks were literally being hunted by police, screamed hysterically, panicking the Hispanic cop, Geronimo Yanez, whom she identified as Asian, who shot and killed Castile.

Everyone but a jury, blamed Yanez’s alleged Hispanic-Asian White Supremacy. Some blamed Castile’s gun. No one mentioned Reynolds’ histrionics.

“Black Lives Matter”’s first historic spike.

Anything we can do to avoid openly acknowledging middle-class mass hysteria.

Rape Hysteria – MN v. MN

In August 2017, while her casino boss boyfriend was in Las Vegas on business, Australian Justine Ruscyck was killed by Rape Hysteria.

Two people in her wealthy Mpls neighborhood were having loud semi-clandestine sex in her alley.

Rather than assume it was drunk rich people from the swanky reception at the end of her alley she imagined a woman being raped.  

After two 911 calls, she rushed a Minneapolis squad car in the middle of the night, and Mohamed Noor put a bullet through her pink Australia hoodie, tragically ending her life.

I attended every day of this trial. No rape victim was ever found. No party guests were ever questioned. 

No one acknowledged rushing a Mpls squad car during a violent felony investigation is inherently dangerous activity.

Everyone simply pretended it was perfectly reasonable and avoided admitting the uncomfortable Truth –  Minneapolis Police will kill you if you spook them. 

Shhh, don’t tell middle class college educated women the Truth, they’ll burn down your city.

Mask Hysteria – MN v. DC

On Sat. Jan. 24th, 2020, aware that Covid was already a global pandemic, I spent hours at a City event questioning the Director of Disaster Response for the City of Mpls and the Mpls Director of Communications.  

I specifically asked about She/Hers Covid emergency plan and the terrorism threats from well-funded anti-police activists.  She/Her smugly gave me the standard “Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist Blow Off,” and assured me they had “everything under control.”

Weeks later, City communication lists spread Covid hysteria throughout the city apparatus like a gasoline fire hose. Each employee was told to wear masks and treat EVERYONE as if they were a deadly threat.

City officials who’d blown Covid off just weeks before now sported masked social media profiles. 

Chat-boards and social media accounts alerted readers that the “Black Community” was having “Covid Parties,” a proven folk remedy for communicable disease. 

Their hysteria amplified while social media platforms actively suppressed the Truth about the benefits of natural immunity.

Day after day, directive after directive, fear and panic were force-fed throughout the entire city employee network, including the SEIU’s home healthcare workers, the Teacher’s Union, and Minneapolis Police Department. 

These communications would read today like they were actually trying to get the MPD to kill someone.  

Maskless George Floyd alerted arresting officer Thomas Laine he’d had Covid; All Hell broke loose after they saw Floyd’s mouth foaming with deadly, contagious spit. 

Frankly, I’d never believe a Hennepin County Coroner’s police homicide toxicology report, but in accordance with Minnesota Health Department guidelines, Floyd’s autopsy predictably recorded that he’d died “with Covid.”

Floyd, unconscious, and allegedly intoxicated, was also the victim of previous MN moral panics. 

One hundred years earlier, a Minnesota women’s movement passed Prohibition. Their proud descendants, Minnesota Mothers Against Drunk Driving, demanded draconian legislation that put Floyd, if intoxicated and sleeping “within the volume” of a stationary vehicle, under felony suspicion.

The arrest of George Floyd has since been attributed to Systemic Racism, Toxic Masculinity and Climate Change but never once to Drunk Driving activists or Covid Hysteria.

Guess, why?

Marxist Feminism and the Death of Mr. Wright

You’re undoubtedly aware of Minnesota Marxist Feminist, Kate Millett, who gifted the world with Patriarchy Theory and Gender as a Social Construct. You’re likely as well aware of Catherine A. Mackinnon’s Title IX rape tribunals and decades of sexual harrassment’s pearl clutching corporate madness.  

However, you may not have heard of Ellen Pence, who used those threat narratives and graphic design training to catalyze the Domestic Violence and Sex Offender hysterias of the 1980’s. 

She introduced Marxism to the 1994 Crime Bill’s Wetterling Act and gave the Office of Violence Against Women the highly prejudicial, literally Marxist  “Duluth Model of Power and Control”.

During the Derek Chauvin trial domestic violence hysteria was set to claim its next victim.

Brooklyn Center Domestic Violence expert and Duluth Model trainer Kim Potter saw Daunte Wright in a car with a woman despite He/Him having an ex-parte restraining order.

Wright wasn’t in court to defend himself from a different woman when a Hennepin County judge issued a bench warrant and the ex-parte restraining order. 

Officer Potter SCREEEECHED at Officer Lucky to go “get” Daunte after discovering it. 

When Lucky wasn’t violent enough for her taste, she “Tazer! Tazer! Tazered” a bullet through Mr. Wright’s heart and lungs. Potter claimed she’d only wanted to give him 50,000 volts of Northern State’s Power.

Time and again, Minnesota cities burn when Progressives are confronted with the predictable outcomes of their own ideologically utopian policies. 

None want to admit these deaths are the direct result of wave after wave of their collective hysteria and the policies they themselves demanded.

I hope you will tell your colleagues about this Dr. Hicks, you’ve been right all along.

Jewel Eldora's Signature