A Letter to the Father of Justine Ruszczyk-Damond

from the heart of Minneapolis, MN

Dear Mr. Ruszczyk,  

I’m contacting you through the Australian Government. This message is personal but the governments of the world need to understand what’s happening in Minnesota. You would remember me, Mr. Ruszczyk, I sat behind you for every courtroom session, except defense closing arguments.  

We exchanged very few words passing daily in the small courtroom. Anything I’d have said would’ve been wrong. Inside, I wanted to grab you and hug you and hold you and cry with you and lie at the top of my lungs and tell you it was going to be okay. 

That is not how white people behave in Minnesota courts.

I watched every session of the trial over your shoulders, shoulders that told a story of a man being crushed by the state who stole his beautiful daughter, a man hearing a month-long, slow-motion horror story. Every day, I thought about Justine, every day I thought about my own beautiful daughter, and every day I thought about you. 

It was horrible for me and I can’t express my sadness and grief for you.

The week Justine was killed I concluded a five part series about taboos, stereotypes, and cultural heuristics that has made Minnesota the 100-year epicenter of worldwide moral panics.  That week, I made accurate predictions that Minneapolis would again generate a global panic.  Minneapolis, Minnesota is a beautiful Shangri Las for the people in the 5th precinct, but it hides uncomfortable secrets. 

They hid those secrets from Justine, they hid them from you, and they hid them from the representative of the Australian Government in State of MN v. Mohamed Noor. 

If MN v. MN looked like a police cover up, surrounded by a botched state investigation, wrapped in a polite state that had never once even charged a police officer with murder, you’re not imagining it. Minnesota Nice is a system of lies.

Justine’s death was predictable and preventable, Mr. Ruszczyk, as was the worldwide unrest following George Floyd’s death. 

This time next year, public record will show that on Memorial Day 2020, George Floyd, recovering from COVID19, was busted with a stack of fake $20s and a stash of Fentanyl. He then proceeded to kill himself in front of a billion people. No one will say this publicly, but it’s an accurate description of events.

Video evidence showing Mr. Floyd taking the lethal Fentanyl dose has been entered into the record. Attorney Earl Gray has asked for the video to be made public, but the court is suppressing it, and even when it’s released it won’t convince the people already planning to burn cities worldwide.

No one knows the Minneapolis lethal use of force policy and case law like Sen. Amy Klobuchar, she oversaw dozens of Minneapolis police homicides in her tenure as the District Attorney prior to DA Mike Free-man. Attorney General Ellison is not competent to handle this. Everyone knows this, yet no one will say it.

I will be attending every session of this trial, Mr. Ruszczyk, and filing a daily report with members of the Australian Govt. This trial will reveal what killed your daughter. My heart and prayers for you, my time, energy and skills are at your disposal.

If this trial isn’t publicly streamed, Minnesota will burn, the US will burn, and Australia will burn.

Jewel Eldora

NOTE: This is a truncated version of a full letter sent to select members of the Australian Govt, Governor Tim Walz, the President of the United States, Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s office, and Dr. Jonathon Haidt, NYU, Dr. Tania Reynolds, UNM, and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson who may offer insight and context.